Well, I have had quite the adventure tonight. Got Leah situated in - TopicsExpress


Well, I have had quite the adventure tonight. Got Leah situated in bed and her hip and back pain eased enough for her to go to sleep. I decided to fold some laundry. While on my way to put some of it away, I came barreling by the recliner that the foot was still up on. That means the handle on the side was sticking out a little more than when it is closed. Anyway, I am on the phone with Paul, hands full of laundry, and hit my foot directly where my foot meets the front of my leg with the handle. I fell forward, dropped the laundry, phone flew under the couch. I immediately get nauseated and my ears start ringing. I scooted over to the phone and told Paul I felt like I was going to pass out. Thats all I remember and then I woke up and Paul was calling again and Mama showed up. Big Swollen Bruise #feelingold #clumsyme #awesomefamily #noiamnotdramatic
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 04:01:19 +0000

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