Well, I have some bad news for all my relatives and facebook - TopicsExpress


Well, I have some bad news for all my relatives and facebook friends. I have returned to Florida (safe and sound) and have accumulated much hateful information to post in future days. In the meantime, just a couple of items I picked up on the way home. 1. XM Radio Laugh USA had a couple of segments on the topic of Facebook, which I am sure we have noted and wondered about. How many times, for instance, when somebody posts bad news do we all just respond with the Like button? We all do this with good intentions and want to say to the person who posted that we have read their post and wish them well. But do we ever consider the literal meaning of our Likes? For example, I bet that if I posted today, Mr. B. has decided to end it all and just do himself in that I would get at least 37 Likes. If I did get a comment at all it would from people like George Baker, Bill Shepherd, Steve Gagyi, Gary Frederick Arnold, Sonia Shearer, Tom Meadows, or Jack McGowan; and it would be on the order of: (a) When and how are you going to do it? or (b) Let us know when it has happened. 2. In checking news items, I always love the Lists. Todays home page had two: the 10 most corrupt states (Florida, Kentucky, and Tennessee all made the list). . . . And the 5 most dangerous cities. I actually stayed over night in one of them this summer (West Memphis, Arkansas), and I am in full agreement with this place making the list. I checked in at a Red Roof Inn and had to do so from a barred window outside the motel. While doing so and trying to sign the registration form, 50 billion mosquitoes attacked me. These were not normal mosquitoes. They were the size of B-52s and were direct descendants of Count Dracula. I tried to escape to my room, but several made their way in. For the rest of the night, I spent my time defending what was left of the little blood that runs through my body. When I went for breakfast the next morning, the waiter asked what I wanted. I replied with A transfusion please.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 16:40:46 +0000

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