Well I have some bad news to share with everyone. I have been - TopicsExpress


Well I have some bad news to share with everyone. I have been looking for a job now for a month, I had a job working at Wal-Mart but they had me working in the pet dept., I have Chondromalacia Patellae in both knees, ( basically the cartilage in both of my knees is gone and they are bone on bone ) and they had me stacking 50 lb. bags of dog food on shelves and stacking bags of cat litter, my knees couldnt take the weight and the turning from the pallet to the shelves, I ended up in the floor twice and banged up my right arm on a grocery buggy and my left arm on a shelf trying to stop the falls, ( NO I couldnt file workers comp as the problem is a pre-existing condition dating back to 1978 ) I quit due to the fact that I felt it safer than ending up in the hospital if something worse got banged up ( my head or back ), the last thing we need is both Pat and I in wheelchairs, anyway we lost our house so now we are homeless, I have spent every single penny of our money and some borrowed from relatives to keep a roof and a bed for Pat by staying in motels so we could use the phone and Wi-Fi for my laptop to look for a house to rent, we thought we had found a house in Fayette, Alabama but the lady decided she would rather keep it empty than put up with renters again, ( she has had bad experiences with renters in the past I guess ), we also found a house in Oakman, Alabama but the owner says the people in it now have to be evicted due to the amount of rent they owe and that takes 30 days to complete, well the money has played out so now I guess we will live in our Jeep, there use to be homeless shelters in the area but that big tornado that hit Tuscaloosa Alabama destroyed them and they havent gotten them rebuilt yet, we have called every church in the phone book inquiring about help but so far nothing, we are currently staying at the Journeys Inn in Fayette Alabama in room 121, we have one more night here, Not sure what is going to happen next, seems we have had nothing but bad luck this year, I am 57 years old and I have never been without a roof to call home, I a now open to suggestions and any help that I can get.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:26:46 +0000

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