Well, I have some time on my hands. so i looked in my boxes and - TopicsExpress


Well, I have some time on my hands. so i looked in my boxes and found another book that is making with me. I hope you like!! please let me know what you think. I love your comments good or bad, it helps me as writer. Dream within a Dream Dark black billowing clouds consume the nite sky. A thunderous piercing crash vibrates the earth. Then lightning collides with the night sky. In the remote distance an old farm house appears in a barren wheat field. A north wind propels the earth into the air. The windows are shattered and smashed glass plasters the earth. The blue paint is slowly flaking away from the wood. She detected several slats are missing from one side of the house. The roof appears to be crumbling away. She noticed the entrance steps below were cracked and moss was budding from them. As she reaches the portico she noticed aged pop cans and mail but she was not able to make out the name on the envelopes. Just then a large wooly spider runs across the mail. She jumps and a start to thinking visiting this house was a bad idea. She noticed the door was make from black oak and in the middle of this door was an old knocker. It was in a shape of lion’s head and in its mouth was a brass ring. So she pushes the door open so she could go inside the house. As she entered the house she could see spider webs that covered the entire room. The little spiders would jump down and land on her. She screamed and brushed the tiny spiders off of her. She tried to go back out the door then the door slammed shut. She pulled on the door with all of her might and not being able to open the door. She thought since she is in the house might as well check it out. So she decided to check out the rest of the house. To the right of her was a spiral staircase that seemed to be never ending. She noticed frayed curtains that hung on the bay windows. The curtains were a dark velvet burgundy color and moving to the rhythm of the wind. A musty smell fills the house and yet a hint of lavender to it this smell would take your breath away so she covered her nose and mouth with cloth from her pocket. Just then a bitter cold north wind blew through the house and she wants more than anything to escape from this cursed house. But she finds herself drawn to this house and curiosity had taken over in her psyche. She grabbed a brass candle holder with a tiny black candle in it and lights the black candle. As she moved around the room she stopped because a painting catches her eye. She slowly walked up to the painting and moved the cobwebs that covered the painting with her hands. She sees a young man. He seemed to be in early 30’s. As she looks at the painting she finds something very familiar about this young man. He had the deepest dark amber colored eyes she ever seen. His face is pale as full moon in the night sky. His lips are the darkest crimson she ever seen. His hair is long and dark black with a braid on the side. She knew that he was a warrior of some kind. Then she remember that when she did research on the Fallen Angels. She spent many hours doing research on the Fallen Angles. She is drawn to them since she was a young child. Her mother thought she was crazy and losing her reality with the real world. But she knew that these people were out there and lived among us. She could see the new moon behind him and she could see ocean waves rushing to the shore. But the waves never touched him. Now she thought this was strange and how could this happen but in her life she has seen a thing that most people would think that she is crazy. She shook her head and glanced back at the portrait. She noticed that the man was wearing a dark black leather cloak and he wore no shirt but she could see an ankh around his neck on a silver chain. She reached down and grabbed her ankh. She looked at ankh in the paining and the one that was around her neck. She started to think maybe he was connected to her. Then she realized that was her wishful thinking on her part. Just then a chill came over body and she warms herself with her hands She thought maybe he was a Fallen Angle and she was one to. Ya right! she thought. Me, a Fallen Angel. Now you have lost your mind for sure Angel.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 21:21:33 +0000

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