Well, I inform everyone of JTRIG - The Truth Behind GCHQs trolls - TopicsExpress


Well, I inform everyone of JTRIG - The Truth Behind GCHQs trolls last night... And law and behold... I wake up to an email off GMP City Centre Chief Inspector Phil Spurgeon... Trying to get me to admit being the driving force... Wesley, I hope you enjoyed the festive period (I think from memory, that your daughter is still young enough to enjoy the magic of Christmas!) and best of luck for 2015 with your various projects. I notice that you are repeating the homeless event you recently organised in Piccadilly Gardens, on the 14th February. And please, lets not waste time & energy with denials that you remain the driving force behind the project (which you did when we pushed you for an event plan!) Im sure that the event in December did benefit some of those in need in Manchester and possibly Lancashire, but there were some issues that I am hoping can be addressed for the next event. Unfortunately, these issues were largely predictable, and could have been addressed had you taken the opportunity to work through an event plan with us, the council (and possibly with established local homeless charities?) Its a shame also, that you didnt take me up on my genuine offer of a brew and chat either; the offer remains. In the spirit of moving forward however, can I ask for consideration of the following, on behalf of ourselves and partners: 1) Collection of donated articles at the end of the event, to avoid the mess shown in the following photos. I imagine youll tell me that items were left in tents to keep them dry with the intention of returning the following day, and that others rummaged through overnight and left the mess seen. However, the council spent some time the day after the event contacting local homeless charities, trying to persuade them to collect clothing and bedding left behind, rather than it being thrown away. 2) Can you keep clear of the childrens play area, which remains well used during the winter and early evening. Youll also see from the photos that the donations left overnight, which took much of the following day to remove, encroached well into the playing area, meaning it was largely unusable for a 24 hour period. 3) Better organisation on the day, to ensure that all donations reach those in genuine need. One of the event organisers (Danny?) approached staff during the event to complain that people who did not seem to be in need (and I know you cant always make that immediate judgement) were repeatedly helping themselves, and asked for assistance in preventing that. The example given to me was a woman with shopping bags who came back 3 or 4 times during the day and filled bags with food? My staff also told me that several people seen taking items of food were well dressed and were seen to return to nearby office blocks, suggesting that they were local workers. Im confident these people were in the minority, but Im sure you keen to avoid any suggestion of a free for all, and donations going to those who are not in need. 4) Drop off and collection arrangements to avoid any traffic issues (especially as the next event is on a Saturday, which will be especially busy.) 5) The ability of council staff, or my staff to deal with these issues on the day was restricted, partly because of the lack of an event plan, and partly because of a protestor element within the event. This manifested itself with staff being barracked when they approached. I know that there is a strong political element to your work and I fully respect that, and we work hard to facilitate protest, but it would be useful to discus how that plays out in future events, which by their scale and nature, are likely to continue involving police and other stakeholders. 6) Can I also suggest that you link in with the councils Begging & Street Homeless team, led by Alex Delap, and possibly established local charities, which are addressing the broad range of complex needs for those on the streets, in addition to the obvious clothing, bedding and food issues. This would assist partners in delivering a more coordinated longer term approach, and avoid any suggestion that youre occasionally parachuting in and making a very short-term contribution to an incredibly complex problem. These suggestions are made with the very best intentions of making future events more successful in terms of helping the vulnerable, and in the spirit of meaningful partnership working. Can I ask at a more personal level, that the contents of this email are not shared through social media, as our experience from the angels project is that comments are sometimes reproduced without broader context, to promote personal agendas. Hopefully we can work through a plan for Februarys event, and the offer of a brew and chat is still there! Phil Inspector Phil Spurgeon 11131 ============================ ****** TO WHICH I REPLIED... ****** ============================ Phil Me and my daughter had a really good Christmas, thanks for asking and for wishing me well with my projects. I do have a busy year ahead of me. :-) You’re implying that I organised something that I have already explained that I did not, but I will reply to this email to be amicable. You’re confusing my homeless project with various events that are being orchestrated in Manchester and that’s not the case. However, I do use my various social media platforms to promote all projects I like and support. I suggest you differentiate the various events, because some I’m only in attendance. I will be spending my time concentrating on ‘Help The Homeless’ and ‘Manchester Angels’ this year. Firstly, I want to refer to our original meeting when I came to meet you in your office, I explained that the ‘Manchester Angels’ project wasn’t just going to address problems like the tragic incidents that happened to people who had died in the city centre, but the project would address many of the city centre problems that are being ignored by the council and police such as homelessness. For years now there’s been a huge amount of people living on the streets of Manchester city centre and these problems are ever increasing following the implementation of the Welfare Reform. I knew this last year and I have watched the problem increase month after month. More so in april when there’s further cuts planned, what’s needed if for the police and council to form strategy as to how they’ll address the real problems that are causing a lot of the problems in the city centre. It’s essential that you actually encourage grassroots and outreach operations rather than trying to chastise people who have good intentions. You told me not to address homelessness with the angels project, like you was saying... Were only helping the people who spend in the city... Or that they didnt deserve help… Its this attitude that creates the problem we have! Have you actually seen the recent comments on the ‘Manchester Street Angels’ page which are still, a year later, trying to slate me? I’m not even going to bother replying to those comments. They’re immature and I don’t want anything to do with it. I’ve sat back and watched the ‘progress’ that Key 103, yourself, Paul Blakey and the team of volunteers have made in the past year and I’m quite disappointed to be honest. It’s nothing like what I have planned and the people helping me aren’t apprehensive of my past as you tried to get your staff to insinuate at my conference, when I’d been completely honest with you. The volunteers helping me with my various projects believe that my past is imperative to them because I understand many of the problems that people face because I have actually experienced it. I’m reverse-engineering my previous situations to make sure that a) people don’t make the same mistakes that I did and b) to protect people from the potential dangers out there. I have the recording from that initial meeting and will be allowing the national press to listen to it at the press conference. You will not be invited after the stunt you pulled last time. I have a text message from yourself that indicated that you did support my ideas and project, however you specifically got one of your officers to disrupt my presentation in a sick attempt to tarnish my efforts. This in itself caused friction with the ladies who had been blocked from the ‘Manchester Angels’ page for uploading links to my previous convictions as it fuelled their campaign to disregard any of my intentions. It’s really sad when these ladies had suffered loss themselves in Manchester and couldn’t realise that all I was trying to do is prevent further deaths in the city centre. Rather than diffuse the situation and help me, Key 103, Mr Blakey and yourself decided to setup your own initiative that didn’t include me. I spent sleepless nights trawling the internet in order to find the young lad when he went missing, I used my background in social media marketing to literally flood the internet in a bid to find him, withe the mind-set of any parent, but sadly it was too late. I’ve spent the past year putting my plan together and there’s absolutely no chance in hell that I’m going to change the name of it because of the fact that C.N.I and Key 103 decide to use a similar name 6 months after I setup. It’s absurd that anyone’s even suggesting this and then implying that there’s any ‘confusion’. You yourselves created that confusion! You could have picked any name. I’m not bitter, I’m just going to allow you guys to get on with what you’re doing and wish you all the best… And I’ll do what I’m doing. I’d already done many other campaigns online for charitable causes by this point and had thousands of people following my progress, I decided that I wanted to setup a non faith-based Angels initiative that would make Manchester a bit safer. I’ve had a huge amount of people wanting to get involved. One thing I made clear to Mr Blakey was that I was not going to have it faith-based or headed by a religious group. I wanted to setup an initiative that involved EVERYONE from all faiths and the model wasn’t influenced by any religion. I have proposed this throughout the course of my research and planning and this is what ‘Manchester Angels’ will be. A non-faith based organisation that welcomes everyone from all backgrounds to get involved. Obviously there’s safeguarding policies to be discussed in the future, especially with the implementation of the Care Act 2015 but that will be handled as and when the time occurs. As an employee of the Police force you’ll be aware of the current financial cuts to public sector are horrendous for everyone concerned. At a time when we need to be able to rely upon the police men and women who took an oath to protect the people of this country, we’re seeing officers being made to facilitate operations that are quite simply unethical and inhumane. I mean, what’s JTRIG all about? GCHQ employees actually paid to annoy people online and cause trouble within altruistic groups that oppose any inhumane policy from central government? It’s disgusting. We need police officers to ’see the bigger picture’ and not conform to evil regimes that aren’t those of a humanitarian. As you’ve made a few points, I think it’s only polite to address them: 1) Collection of donations at the end of the event weren’t as organised as they could have been, however if you retrieve the CCTV from Piccadilly that evening, you’ll see that myself and several others filled minibuses, vans and cars with items that we then distributed to various homeless outreach groups and hostels into the early hours of the morning. We had already spoken to a councillor during the day and took all of the sleeping bags and other emergency provisions to be distributed. There were a small amount of wet clothes that we couldn’t distribute left at the end which you’ve sent me the photos of, but can I please ask you to watch the CCTV of Piccadilly because at the end of the night we spoke to Manchester City Councils refuse staff which kindly agreed to take the wet clothes. 2) I will ask the people who attend to not use the children’s play area. 3) Donations did reach those in need and the 13 hour continuous serving of emergency provisions; food; clothing etc was a huge success which inevitably distributed a large amount of essentials to those in need. I really don’t care for your personal opinions and second-hand information that some people may not have been as desperate as others… Or that some may not have been homeless. How do you suggest the team of volunteers assesses people on approach to determine if they’re homeless or not? Do elaborate. The volunteers picked up on those that were blatantly abusing the service and quickly resolved the situation. You said that your staff informed you of someone being well dressed and taking food to an office block? Is this really how the GMP spend their money? Following people on CCTV with food from a soup kitchen? because if that’s the case then I think we should bring it to the attention of the public that instead of preventing crime… Our police are watching people who attend a soup kitchen for the homeless. This is absolutely bizarre. 4) People attending the previous event had been asked to find parking closeby and approach volunteers on arrival, volunteers would then help carry items from the designated car parking areas and drop-off points were arranged by people. The event was a huge success and really did have a huge impact on the people of Manchester. Many people commended the great work that was being done and the volunteers did a great job. 5) There were no ‘issues’ above that the council or police needed to get involved with. It is a shame however that the council themselves don’t operate a similar event where they distribute essential supplies like clothing; foil survival blankets; hot food etc to the homeless in the city centre. Instead, they’re woken up, moved on to another place and otherwise charged with ‘begging’ and deemed criminals in a society that’s forgotten them. I’m not sure what you’re trying to imply with the “protester element” comment and also the one about your staff being “barracked” but that is absolute nonsense. A supermarket in Failsworth provided us with a huge amount of supplies for the homeless and the police officers who dropped them off with the store manager were really friendly. There was no ‘protest’ on the day and I can’t understand for the life in me why you’re trying to imply that my actions are politically motivated. Your presumptions are misguided. I will reiterate now that I an not the ‘event organiser’, I’m simply a lad who’s good with social media who can project information to the masses. 6) I will speak to the people concerned about working in liaison with the council as the homeless initiative I’m working on is expanding throughout the North West and we’ll be operating in Manchester throughout 2015. Thank you for the contact, I’ll contact Alex soon. I personally do work with many homeless charities in the North West and we’re all doing a lot that addresses the broad range of complex needs for those on the streets. We do work with a lot of Manchester based charities. Your presumptions that we don’t are absurd. At the event in Piccadilly we’re doing a fantastic job making sure that emergency supplies are available and we’re going to develop this into something that will help many people get off the streets of Manchester and refer into the support services they need. Your comment presuming that we’re ‘parachuting in’ and making a very short-term contribution to an incredibly complex problem is quite condescending really. If you’re constantly watching my social media profile then you’ll see that these events have been a collaboration of ideas from many people that want to address the needs of homeless people. The ‘driving force’ behind this other project which Key 103 is using as a publicity stunt is based upon a statement that they keep throwing around… That Wesley Hall isn’t backed by the police” which all stems from your lies. This group claims to be the ‘official’ angels page… However that’s not the case. I setup my domain and project in January 2014… Key 103 have attempted to blatantly use the campaign to promote themselves. Key 103 and this new group registered their domain in August. Yourself and Paul Blakey from the C.N.I. tried to disregard what I am doing and it’s a clear indication from the very start how you’ve manipulated things to try and make yourselves appear to be doing the right thing. In order to fully understand a problem, you can’t be academic and try to facilitate an initiative based upon statistics and hearsay. To be able to create solutions to problems, you have to understand the problem fully. There is nothing to say that the group you affiliate yourself with is ‘official’ in any way; shape or form. What exactly is ‘official’ about it? The professionalism of the posts they write? The lies? The fact that a radio station is trying to use this as a means to create publicity for themselves? Let’s be serious here, Key 103 already had the facilities to turn this into something huge… They haven’t. They have a history of attempting to ‘take over’ other peoples projects for their P.R. stunts and one of our volunteers has had a similar experience with them. This will all be revealed at the press conference. Key 103’s Michelle Livesey has also just sent me an email that disassociates herself from any operational element to the ‘Manchester Street Angels’ project. It’s all rather confusing. Like I said to Mr Blakey, which initially prompted you to offer me a ‘brew’ the last time… The only ‘confusion’ is that Key 103/ C.N.I and the other people involved in this ‘new project’ chose a name and colour scheme which is blatantly similar to the one I setup last January. I’ll be addressing many of the problems we face and I don’t need to ask permission from you or anyone else in order to do what I set out to do. Instead of trying to setup a new campaign which I didn’t even get invited to be involved in, you should have invited me along to help as this whole thing was sparked by my campaign to find the young man. It was the constant posting and time spent strategically posting photos and videos of the incident around Manchester that created the whole campaign, I got everyone in that room together talking and throwing ideas around until you’d arranged for the conference to be disrupted half way through. It was apparent that it was done on purpose to discredit me. I have been in a bunker for a year now as advised by many mentors and am working with a whole range of people to facilitate what I have proposed to do. On a local level I have been testing many ideas in order to fully implement them in Manchester with some great results. The fact that Paul Blakey thinks that he has the monopoly on Angels initiatives in the UK is absolutely crazy. The work they do is fantastic in the various towns and cities around the country but that does not mean that no other person can setup an initiative with the term ‘Angels’ in the title. Or that they have to affiliate themselves with him. His suggestion to change the name of my initiative is absolutely absurd and I had to explain to him… In detail… That there’s something we have here called Intellectual Property law… And that he should research. In Manchester there’s a high crime rate and a huge amount of pressure on all of the emergency services. The ‘Help The Homeless’ project and the ‘Manchester Angels’ project will inevitably work towards creating long-term solutions to the problems that many people face and it’s a shame that you didn’t invite me along to the steering groups of your new group. The sheer lack of support and manipulative tactics used to discredit me throughout the course of this process from yourself, some of the media and Mr Blakey have been somewhat discouraging, however you both have given me this illusive ‘driving force’ to pursue my intentions and develop both projects into a collaboration of initiatives that saves many lives. On the 23rd December, we distributed over 1000 emergency survival blankets that are re-usable; waterproof and can be folded-up into a pocket. These emergency provisions actually stop people from dying of hypothermia in a society that allows people to die on the streets. In order to maintain true transparency, I won’t release your email out of context whatsoever. I’ll simply show it in its entirety so that people can see exactly what you have sent me so that the event organisers can see what you have suggested. The event on the 23rd December was successful and I’ll make sure that everyone sees these suggestions so that we don’t create any problems for the police and council. We are extremely peaceful people who just want to help the most vulnerable of Manchester and Lancashire. I am not the ‘event organiser’ by any means. The person you’ve mentioned as an event organiser is someone I simply met on that day and I have no connection to any protest that you mention. If you’re referring to the protest that was on that particular day at the BBC then I did not attend. CCTV from Piccadilly Gardens on the day of the 23rd December with corroborate that I was present, serving food to the homeless of Manchester and didn’t stop from 12 noon until around 2am. Making sure that every piece of rubbish in the vicinity was cleared before we headed back to Burnley. We rang every single homeless charity in the locality and they sign posted many people to us throughout the course of the day. We also arranged for many homeless charities throughout Greater Manchester to come and collect items. Maybe these are the people you saw that were ‘well dressed’ that took supplies from us? What’s more confusing is that you’ve requested that this email not go on social media… Which I find strange… Because if you want the people of Manchester and the North West to comply with ‘event plans’ then you’re better off addressing the people publicly. If you want this ‘brew’ then please do come down on the 14th February with Peter Fahy where we’ll be happy to offer you both a drink. Wesley Hall ‘No Number
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 15:07:45 +0000

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