Well I just wanna tell a story when we found out that I was prego - TopicsExpress


Well I just wanna tell a story when we found out that I was prego with landon. Well of July or August is when me n Terry Joseph Mayer found out that I was prego when we was in californa.the moment I found out that I was prego I sat in the bathroom for about 5 mins think omg!!! Im prego. Haha I was also scared that terry would be mad well I was wrong because after that whole 5 mins I was in the bathroom I was worrying about it for nothing once I told him he had the most biggest smile on his face. That day we both together found out we was gonna be parents in 9months 😍 well 5 months after we found out that we was gonna have a baby boy.😍 and as I found out n when your prego ur. Always emotional haha so I cried of happy tears.that day I called my parents to tell them that their gonna be grandparent yo a baby boy my parents always wanted to be grandparents well that day they got their wish. Kirk Lindsay Norma Lindsay Well when I was about 7 or 8 months prego. I got the bad news that landon. May had a heart murmur. I cried. My eyes out I felt like I wasnt eat or anything right. Well few weeks later me n terry and my parents n terry parents. Went to Utah for my tests for the heart murmur I was not my self then. Well after those days as we was in Utah we got great news that landon didnt have a heart murmur he was healthy baby that day made me more happier then ever😍. Well as of April 27th was the night that I had to go to the hospital because I was having pains found out that was a infection common thing for prego. Women they said then they ask me how many weeks I was I said 38 weeks along then they said okay they left the room for a little then they did test after those test they said well tonight well be the time where we induce u urban going. Into labor so that night about midnight I got my epidural then they. Had me sleep then about noon they said the midwives. R on their way to induce u. So about 2ish is when I started to push so about 2:27 is when landon had arrived into this world I cried the moment I saw him. I love being a mommy to him its a greatest blessing in my life now I have a little family of my own. 💕 I love my little family alot
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 04:27:14 +0000

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