Well, I started off ringing in the new year after work yesterday, - TopicsExpress


Well, I started off ringing in the new year after work yesterday, by spending time with or running into, people through the afternoon, evening, and into the night, whom I realize today were all special to me in some way. MY phone never rang once last night, but I know there were also others who had similar offers on the table... sooo, lemme start the new year out by saying: if you woke up in jail, or to find damage to your vehicle that wasnt there when you went out last night, or getting to where you thought you left your car last night, to begin the years first vehicle scavenger hunt... or anything else unfortunate, you couldve avoided by simply asking for a ride when you shouldnt have driven... you sucked at life for a moment of, inebriated, lapse in judgement, last night... Happy New Year! Stop sucking at life... make better decisions, grow up, and if youre going to drink, be smart about it. Its not just YOU people are worried about. You put everyone else at risk too. Just dont do it. #ItsOfLove #DontBeOffended If you stayed where you partied, used a cab last night, or walked, or used any number of other options to get home safely, other than driving drunk... Thank you for not sucking at life. #LifeAchievementSuccess Happy New Year! #ContinueOn Got to enjoy some bad ass musicians last night and just so happened to ring in the new year with a few people, none of which I would have expected to be on the list had you asked me when I set out... all of which, are part of my #ExtendedFamily and all of whom, have shown me their love In the most flattering, least expected ways, in various times of my life. Whether it was inviting me to a birthday party, having had me over to their house and treating me like I belonged there, listening when I needed an ear and not jawwing my business to the world, trusting me to be their ear sometime... Im pretty sure theyve all either taken my keys, driven me home, hosted me on their couch or Otherwise looked out for me and made sure I was ok, drunk or not... theyve each seen me pretty low, and have never put me down... told me shit I needed to hear, #Absolutely but never put me down... #Namaste #OneLove #ScootYaSeatUp #LifeIsWhatsGoinOnNotWhatYourePlanningToDo #YoullSeeMoreBlessingsWhenYouStopLookingForThem
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 17:31:09 +0000

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