Well I surely did not expect all of this from my Kimbo slice - TopicsExpress


Well I surely did not expect all of this from my Kimbo slice comparison video. Guys I am very sorry if I have not accepted your friend request yet I am going through them as you are sending them. Im trying to ensure that I am NOT adding the more perverted crowd that tends to follow some of our community. So I have to look through these one by one. Allow me to again say that I am genuinely flattered that people are really connecting with that video. I have an mbox full of messages with beautiful people saying beautiful things to me and I am very grateful for that, so thank you! I really want to emphasize the whole point of this video. The point is that there are so many identities in the world that share a similar identity as I have but are too afraid to be honest with the rest of the world about it. Like I posted on the transgender forums last night, I cannot imagine how difficult your transition would be during a full time job and inside the workplace. I know its gotta be stressfull. The best advice I could provide for you would be too do lots of research and brainstorming before telling anyone. Do some serious planning. Your job depends on it, if its that important to you. And for those of you who are still uncertain of who you are I suggest you do some soul searching inside your own identity. Seriously, Turn off the television set for a few minutes and close the People magazine. Imagine the worlds present-day image and standard for a beautiful woman, simply does not exist at this point. All the superstars and celebrities do not mean anything finally. The perfect bodies, the perfect hair, the perfect gym membership, the perfect sports car, the perfect house, the perfect bank account, forget all of that even exists, because it doesnt. None of that garbage matters in this world. You need to stop worrying about what other people think. Why should someone else set your standard for beauty? Thats just absolutely absurd that people could do that to themselves. I tried to obtain all those shallow, degradable, material qualities myself for quite some time in the opposite gender. Why? For what? Either 60 years from now or 60 seconds from now I could get hit by a bus and perish from this planet, my body Will be decomposing in 6 days, the 6 figure income, house, cars, and debt I had, somehow the mediately do not even exist anymore!!!! Woah wait a second, yes you are dead, but not the real you just the person you pretended to be this entire time, and all that for everyone else and at the expense of your real identity . Sounds like the real you got the shit of the stick. :((( that is absolutely horrible it is no way to live your life. You dont deserve that. So, If you find yourself compairing your physical aspects to everyone elses around you you will continue to find yourself inside depression. Especially with the hormones some of us are taking, that is a very common Avenue that we tend to break down in. I know it sounds selfish, because it is... You need to focus on yourself and your self only. Forgot about this world around you and what everyone is thinking or saying. You have to embrace the positive qualities that rest within your soul and your true identity. I believe in doing that, it will allow you to accept yourself for who you are and not what everyone else wants you to be. As you open your eyes in the mirror you can focus on your positive physical aspects and then capitalize on them. Whatever you think is beautiful make sure its only what you think , not Enquirer magazine. Make a list of the changes you would like to see in yourself and work towards them. No one has the perfect body. I know plenty of people who could pick apart Carmen Carrera from every angle on a good day. Stop thinking that you will never be beautiful, because with that thought process, you probably wont. Im not trying to be mean Im trying to turn your blinders off to yourself so you can see your true self and its very own capabilities. Focus on the things you can change. I would start with focusing on identity understanding and self acceptance. You guys all say Im very beautiful and I greatly appreciate that. Im hearing that information as a way to express how someone may feel about the way I told my story and my video, not the way I appear through your computer screen. Because if you knew me in person Im sure there are a million things you could find wrong with my look. But do you think I would really care at this point in my life? My life goal is not to look like Selena Gomez or anyone else other than my true self. So sorry for writing a this rant. I was writing this same stuff in a lot of messages to women who were looking for answers I cannot provide, only you can. Hope this helps
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 17:30:55 +0000

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