Well, I think Im ready to finally talk about it. It has been a - TopicsExpress


Well, I think Im ready to finally talk about it. It has been a very emotional time for me. Because as you know, Ive been trying to avoid my friends, but what can I tell you? We go back a long way, and I missed them. So, I figured, what better reason, than to get together like millions of other people around the world, to celebrate the birthday of famed Bohemian-born artist, Václav Hollar. To their credit, my friends readily agreed, and were even quite excited to honor Hollar, by dressing in period costume. At first we laughed, and were having a great time discussing his life during the English Civil War and raised our glasses in toast to some of his works, such as Juvenal and Warwickshire. Okay, honestly you dont have to say it. Dont get smug, because I know. Believe me, I was there, so I know. You simply cant have any conversation of Hollar and his works, without it inevitably leading to talk of the greatest classic Disney movies. Well, I dont need to tell you what happened next, but since youre already here, Im going to. First, Carlos leaned back and his chair and smiled. I have to admit, I wasnt prepared for that, and thought maybe, just maybe, this time would be different. So, I breathed a sigh of relief and innocently and naively asked, Carlos, why are you smiling? Carlos shrugged and said, Its just that this time, I KNOW we wont be fighting. We cant even discuss classic Disney movies without beginning and ending with Snow White. Without that, there would be NO Disney as we know it. Every animated movie that was made after it, owes itself to Snow White. Adam guffawed. I knew it. Youre so predictable and I knew it. We turned to him. What are you laughing about? Carlos asked. I just knew youd say Snow White. Your mind cant think outside the box. The best classic Disney movie is, Peter Pan. It took you to a magical place and made you believe that anything is possible, which is the basis for Disney itself now, and you wouldnt know a Disney movie from a Robert Crumb one. Okay, for those of you who know anything about this, you dont say that. I mean, you just cant say it. There was a loud gasp in the room, which was weird, since there were only three of us, but I couldnt help but notice the tear trickle down Carlos eye. His lip quivered. His hand trembled. He rose to his feet and looked Adam in the eye and said, You take that back. Adam slid his chair back, got to his feet as well and with a mocking smirk, said, Make me. The next few minutes were a blur as a whirlwind of cries and hair-pulling and face-scratching ensued. I covered my eyes in frustration and yelled out, Please dont ruin Václav Hollars birthday! Suddenly, the door burst open and in strolled Lester Sherman accompanied by another guy, who appeared to be quite normal looking, except for the strange contraption he wore around his head. We took one look at him, slapped our foreheads, as we all shouted in unison, Pinocchio! We laughed and hugged and resumed the festivities, and Václav Hollars birthday was saved! As always, I never know how he knows, but am grateful that he does.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 07:03:24 +0000

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