Well..... IM BACK!! On a temporary and limited basis though. - TopicsExpress


Well..... IM BACK!! On a temporary and limited basis though. Ive really enjoyed my vacation from social media. This is the longest departure Ive taken and I have to say....its been extremely liberating. What Ive learned is...social media can in fact make your life less social...less connected. You become out of touch with what is really important. It can put blinders on us if we are not careful. We begin unconsciously living to justify our lives to others...constantly feeling the need to highlight our everyday routines so we can feel appreciated, important and or special all while the people who are trying to show us that we are indeed special are right beside us the entire time. We share important social events in order to bring awareness but we do little in the real world to effect positive change. We focus on World Star fights and challenges, what celebrities got divorced or arrested...all while our society decays and crumbles right before our eyes. People are broken and starving for love and assitance all around us...but we are too busy posting our status for the day. What im trying to say is...I got tired of living selfishly. I want to take the focus off of me and what im doing and begin to do more in the real world. I want to make a real difference in the lives of others. There are of course positives to this whole social media revolution, but I personally believe we can do so much more when we take the focus off of social media and begin focusing on just being social again. We live in a time where almost everyone can name every character on Sons of Anarchy but cant name their neighbors who theyve lived by for a decade or more. I am beginning a long journey to create change right here in my community one small step at a time... but I will drop in from time to time to let everyone know whats up and to check in on all of you and see how my people are doing. Best wishes...and remember...dont get so caught up in being social online... that you forget there are tons of people all around you to be social with already who are dying for your attention. Im out. Enjoy your day! God is LOVE
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:07:57 +0000

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