Well, Im going to try this. Terry McDonald nominated me to - TopicsExpress


Well, Im going to try this. Terry McDonald nominated me to participate in a week of gratitude postings. Each day, I am to post something I am grateful for and then nominate 2 people to start their week of gratitude. I decided I was willing to accept the challenge, but wanted to start tomorrow because I didnt think I could express gratitude on a Tuesday. And then, Jeff Dugon, there was that sunrise this morning. I know its silly to think you are painting that sky for me every Tuesday, but I dont care. Im going to go right ahead and think that. Being grateful for that sunrise which was a miracle considering how overcast the sky was just 5 minutes prior, inspired me to think of things I am grateful for related to you. Though I weep typing this because I am still so sad and so angry youre gone, I will tell you some things I am grateful for. Im grateful that at 15 when I found out I was pregnant for you I did not hesitate in planning to have you, keep you and raise you. Im grateful you slept nights so I could go to school and work. Im grateful you were a well behaved and very portable child so I could cart you to and from the babysitters or let you play with matchbox cars on the floor while I did homework in the college lab. Im grateful you were an adventurous kid and you let the world entertain you. Im grateful youve been creative your entire life so we could build fantastic paper towel roll, cereal box and aluminum foil castles and you could write stories or paint pictures for me. Im grateful you were an athlete, but not just any kind of athlete - you were the type who played because you loved the sports deeply. I will never forget you getting your team pumped up and keeping them pumped up throughout an entire football game waving your arms, screaming for joy in their faces, hugging them. You played with such heart, you would cry after losing an important game or wrestling match or cry just the same with joy when you won. Not many people have that much passion. Im thankful that you realized you were not really a republican a couple years after breaking my heart and registering as one when you were 18. Im really grateful that you finally admitted you only did it to make me mad. Im thankful you found a career you were passionate about. Im thankful for every meal you ever cooked me, even the late night cheese trays which Mitch Sosnicki and I were just talking about where you would find every imaginable item that could go on a 24 tray and serve it for the three of us as if we were expecting a crowd of twenty. Im thankful you arranged the cheese, the meats, the fruit, the olives and the condiments in such a way that the image in my mind makes me smile again thinking of it. I want to emphasize this. It brings me to tears. Those - those, seemingly silly little things you did - that at the time made me smile or laugh or poke fun that you could never do anything simple, that every thing you put on a plate had to be beautiful and a near extravaganza - well, those things, I loved then, but never, never in a million years would I have guessed or known how much they would mean to me now. Those things Jeff, are what made you, you. Those things might be what I am most grateful for now. Those little things that when I think back are SO memorable because of the mood, the beauty, the extravagance that only you would create. Im so grateful for all the beauty you painted in my life and now my memories. I forgot, Im supposed to nominate two people. I nominate Melisa Leach and Becky Feher
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 04:20:14 +0000

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