Well, Im not sure if anyone will even see this after such a long - TopicsExpress


Well, Im not sure if anyone will even see this after such a long time off the grid, but I thought Id post an update anyway as Id like to try to get my little page back into the swing of things and hopefully get life back to normal (yes, I giggled a little when I typed that. Frankly, Im not sure Id recognize normal if it snuck up and bit me!). I know this has been a long time coming, but Ive been putting it off for lack of words - or at least forcing myself to say them out loud. First of all, I want to thank everyone who prayed for my sweet Mikey and my family and sent the sweetest messages of support while we struggled with his illness. Im sorry I quit posting on this page, but I needed to take a hiatus from making bows so I could focus on taking care of and spending time with my brother while I could. Unfortunately, his hospital stays became more frequent and the dementia got worse. His health declined, he quit eating, etc. Once in a while, hed rally a little and wed have a glimmer of hope, but eventually, age and illness catches up with us all. I had to make the heart-wrenching decision that it was time for Hospice care. Fortunately, I have been blessed with the most amazing friends a girl could ask for and they never left my side during the whole Hospice/hospital experience, which was a sanity saver to say the least. (To my wonderful friends who stayed in the frozen hospital rooms and let me cry on them, the ones who brought coffee and stuffed animals and balloons for Mikey or just texted their support - a very special thank you, I love you all with my whole heart!) Mikey held on as best he could, but finally it was all just too much and we had to say goodbye to my best buddy and little big brother. Its been a tough summer without him and I have a feeling its not going to get any easier the closer we get to Christmas. That was our time and some of my best memories of him. Theres not a day that passes that I dont think of him and miss him terribly, but I also know that hes back in the loving arms of my parents and our Heavenly Father, and no longer bound by the illness that fogged his mind and overtook his little body. I also know my little angel with such a zest for life would kick me in the rump for moping as long as I have. Hed tell me its time to remember the happy times and get back to living again. So here I am, boots and glue gun dusted off and ready to take on life head on again. And Ill keep telling myself that each day until it gets easier.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 18:21:17 +0000

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