Well Im really gonna try & have a great year but one thing I see - TopicsExpress


Well Im really gonna try & have a great year but one thing I see is determined to remain the same! I usually have about the best worst luck of anybody Ive ever seen & this year has already reminded me its not gonna change! New Years at 3:00 am I wake up & came outside to smoke & we have some outside cats which two of them are always getting on my nerves always rushing in the house. Well as I was fixing to go back inside I saw both of them out of the corner of my eye crouched down ready to rush in.I usually try to fight them back with my foot but that dang evil Oliver always manages to get through.Well anyways I quickly opened the door & went in really fast then turned around & got them back far enough to close the door.As I stood there gloating over defeating them I took one step back & before I knew it I was laying flat on my back on the kitchen floor! Our other cat lil bit was standing behind me & didnt know it so when I stepped back I tripped over her! As I lay there for a min. I thought oh Billy & Jordan are gonna come running in here to find out what the big boom was but as I lay there a few more seconds thought well hell good thing Im okay cause not even the dogs come checked on me! Lol & yesterday I went to WalMart & when I was getting ready to head home my battery was dead of course. Of course too thats when the dang parking lot at WalMart looks like a ghost town so I pick up my cell to call Billy to see if he wants to come jump me off or if he just wanted me to wait till someone came up I could ask. Well I dialed his phone & it rang once & stopped! Well of course it dropped my call so went to dial him again & no my battery went dead on my phone of course then I thought well that was awful nice though that it lasted for me to dial his number & ring just once now thats just great I thought he knows now that I tried to call him so when I dont call back hell try to call me but of course wont get me then hes gonna be upset! Lol yep thats my usual kind of luck
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:52:58 +0000

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