Well, Im sure many of you just know I am going to weigh in on the - TopicsExpress


Well, Im sure many of you just know I am going to weigh in on the events of last night in Ferguson, Mo. and in many cities around the country. This gentle giant, as the mainstream media made him out to be, was not as gentle as they depicted. The cause for Officer Wilson to be there at that time was because this little boy had strong armed a local store owner and stolen from him. Juvenile records are sealed in that state and cannot be viewed by anyone so we dont know if he had a record for smaller, non felony crimes, but it is suggested that he had a few run-ins with the law. The Grand Jury returned no bill of indictment for Officer Wilson and of course this set off very destructive riots. This grand jury sifted through tons of evidence, including emergency room photos of Officer Wilson that corroborated his story, not to mention forensic evidence that corroborated his story, so, at great risk to themselves, this jury came up with the only thing they could, no charges.Now Ferguson is burning, businesses have been looted, cars have been overturned, and burned. The majority of this has several roots. First outsiders, black panther party, al sharpton, eric holder, mainstream media. They all have a power investment in fanning the flames of racism. The 3 names and the group i mentioned use this as a method to gain control. The mainstream media presents the facts in a skewed light, so that the audience only gets what they want them to know, using calculated wording to bring sympathy on the victim. Why? BECAUSE IT CREATES OCCURRENCES SUCH AS YOURE SEEING NOW. These occurrences leads to more viewers watching, more viewers, bigger ratings, more advertising dollars for the network. Its all about money. So now, the more they riot, loot, and burn, the less the ruined businesses will rebuild, some just got back going after the summer riots. These businesses cannot continue. They will move away from there. Ferguson will become a slum area with no businesses or local means of support. Unemployment there will sky rocket. Then guess what? Those that tore the town apart, that sent the businesses packing, that hate the police and all authority there, will again be railing against those in charge because they are doing nothing to ease the unemployment and will protest that. SMH, these people want to act like animals, treat them as such. Just my 5 cents worth.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 12:39:35 +0000

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