Well Ive about had it with Parker County, supposedly one of the - TopicsExpress


Well Ive about had it with Parker County, supposedly one of the most Conservative Counties in Texas...we are lying to ourselves if we think that, there is not a machine running this county. Its one that wants no outsiders involved in the politics of this County. You can trace it down to 3 or 4 people but the membership is huge. We have a Republican party who the majority of is not Conservative, they say they are and they try to act like they are even to the point of having Glenn Beck speak at their annual dinner. They are the ones though who support Cornyn, Granger, and our newly elected George P. Bush that no one knows anything about. They support the North Central Texas Council of Governments and see nothing wrong with the U.N. Agenda 21 plans. Although they balk at the Obama administrations legislation, they do nothing to stop it, to block it or even offer alternatives. Why you ask because they are not Conservative they are Progressives at heart and if in charge would enact the exact same legislation as Obama has. They are the elite, the ones who make decisions for you. They make these decisions for you because they think you are stupid, Im beginning to wonder if they are not right. Of course youll be enslaved by regulations, permits, and fees. Along with high taxes to pay for all the rules and decisions these elite few at the top make for you but its ok, youll not have time to notice while you are working harder in order to pay for all the regulations, permits and fees. All the while they will be indoctrinating your children..so that they will be good little workers also. Dont worry about Freedom and Liberty, those words will still be in the Constitution and will still be uttered every time one of these elites runs for office...they wont mean anything any longer, but well still be able to say them like we mean it. Meanwhile the Republigressive party of Parker County will still be telling you that they are conservative, Cornyn will send you newsletters saying how wonderful he is, Granger will still be posting photo ops on facebook along side groups who fawn at her celebrity. Riley will still be raising your taxes for schemes unknown to the public and only whispered in the halls of the NCTCOG, but it will be allright because the majority of people wont even know who he is. One day when we are long gone from our earthly presence, theyll build a bridge or a highway and theyll name it after Riley and everyone will celebrate what a wonderful person he was without ever knowing that the majority of the people who kept him in office had no clue who he was. Ironic isnt it.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 19:12:00 +0000

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