Well, Ive been afraid of changing cause Ive built my life around - TopicsExpress


Well, Ive been afraid of changing cause Ive built my life around you. Seahawk Sunday morning update on our sweet Deonna Keiser. She has now been home for 4 days and things are going pretty good so far. She seems to be excited for the big Seahawks game today. It will be the first time that we get to watch the game at home on a big T.V. She has been really tired and likes to sleep a lot. I imagine that after all that she has been through this is to be expected. Her new word of the day is first she repeats it almost constantly the last couple of days. I can only hope that it is in reference to how the Seahawks will finish the season. ;) Her progress has been kind of hit and miss. The brain can just play some crazy tricks on you. It really surprises me what she does and does not remember. Last night in her second car ride to the store she hissed and said oh no when I pointed out the new Hobby Lobby by our house. She has never been a fan of that particular store or what they represent. She also got all excited and started pointing when she thought that I was making a wrong turn out of the store. She clearly new the correct way home. Things like light switches and remote controls give her some trouble but she seems to be able to use her hair dryer and put on her make up just fine. Go figure. Women. We took our first walk with Ozzy down to the corner stop sign and back. Walking back up our hill kicked her ass but we will try and go 10 steps further today. It is all about progression. She also folded some laundry for the first time yesterday as well. She did so well I am thinking about setting up a laundry service and using her for cheap labor as part of her physical therapy regime. ;) Her right hand still does not work very well. It is cute and sad at the same time when she gets something stuck in her right hand because it still clenches into a fist uncontrollably a lot since her heart procedure. This morning while struggling to take the cap off of the tooth paste, I made her hold the tube in her right hand. It got stuck and she could not get it out. I helped her but in the process she grabbed her left hand with her right hand and it got stuck as well. She looked at me all scared and said oh no. It was not hard to get her hand back out and it has happened several times before. It just makes me sad to see her try so hard and the simplest of tasks are still such a struggle. If you have ever seen Rainman Dee reminds me a little of the autistic character played by Dustin Hoffman, but much better looking. She seems to latch onto a word and will repeat it a lot over the course of several days and then choose a new word and start repeating it. Most of the time they are actual words, sometimes it is unintelligible sounds. It is clear that the new paths in her mind that she will need to open up are not easily found. As we approach the upcoming new year, I know that it will be filled with immense challenges for everyone in my family. We will need to face these obstacles head on and find some way to overcome. We will rise above as a team and help Deonna sweep away the landslide that brought her down.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 18:46:27 +0000

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