Well, Ive been watching movies and reading again so heres an - TopicsExpress


Well, Ive been watching movies and reading again so heres an update. I watched Flight which I wanted to see since I saw the trailer but it just never happened. Denzel was great in it, as usual. I didnt realize the movie was mainly about addiction. Im pretty well versed in mental illness but addiction is one thing that has thankfully passed most of my family by. So it was kind of hard relating to the characters. And I will agree with some people who found the ending to be unrealistic. I mean, theres a chance it would happen like that, but I felt like it was mostly so the viewer would learn something and we could have a nice moral to the story to wrap it all up. Then, I watched Doubt which, as I said earlier, I recommended to my therapist. Hes a former Catholic so he might relate to it more than I did. I had kind of avoided the movie because of the subject matter (the main doubt is over whether a priest at a Catholic school has molested a young boy) but I felt like I was up for it. Let me just say, watching Philip Seymour Hoffman and Meryl Streep go toe-to-toe was awesome! It is rare to see acting that excellent. And Amy Adams and Viola Davis are in it as well and do such a good job. It was weird watching Adams after seeing her character in American Hustle. She really has quite a range as an actress. From a nun to a con artist - wow! I did enjoy the movie although I have to say, like August: Osage County, you can kind of feel that this was based on a play. I spent too many scenes imagining how it looked on stage. Finally, in continuing with my post-WWII reading choices, I read Slaughterhouse Five. I didnt even know that was a war novel until Amazon kept linking it to Catch-22 and 1984. And its weird because Dad and I were talking about the Dresden bombings the other day - I think it was in the Today in History section in the newspaper and he told me how my grandfather passed through and there wasnt a single building standing. The book is kind of weird and I mean that in the best possible way. It sort of reminds me how in high school we read Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and a lot of kids just didnt get it. Especially the humour (its British, after all). I guess I was lucky because I had watched the mini-series with my Dad as a kid. Because, like Ive said, he will watch anything sci-fi! But Hitchhikers was good. And so was Slaughterhouse Five. I admit to a bias for British authors; Ive always preferred European history, as well. I think I like reading about royalty. But Im trying to make a concerted effort to read more American novels. One that I enjoyed in high school was Faulkners The Sound and the Fury. I read recently that James Franco is trying to make a movie out of it which is going to be either pure genius or total crap. I guess well find out.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 06:32:36 +0000

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