Well Ive finally cracked it... as in the universe is telling me - TopicsExpress


Well Ive finally cracked it... as in the universe is telling me time and time again that I need to CHANGE what (and how Im doing things) online. So first of all theres been my obvious indecisiveness regarding my facebook pages, then my email got hack, personal facebook account hacked (and deleted) - honestly its all been a bit of a piss off! So then I had to organise a new email acc, new fb acc... blah blah blah... only still Ive been feeling pretty lost. You see Ive been thinking I need CHANGE for some time now, you know something a little more than just Mr Bucket List; something that can encompass the many different aspects of my life. And as such, over the past few days, Ive been trying to expand and diversify my current buckets on the wall website. But again the universe stepped in... and well after perfecting my template, for some reason it doesnt match whats live on the site - its bullshit - or basically Blogger is just crap! Anyhoo... Ive had enough of dealing with limitations of that blog wizard, time to CHANGE, move on to greener pastures - or ie an entirely new website. Thats right... NEW WEBSITE, NEW CONCEPT, NEW NAME... yep theres that change!! Its all about streamlining, everything under one umbrella, and best of all Ive really thought this one through - no changing lol. Im very happy with this one!! So, if you care to show a little confidence & blind faith in me feel free to like the link below, otherwise hopefully check out the new website when I launch it in a few days :) Nb: And if ya cant read between the line here lol, Im sure this is all somehow a part of my Im more than just a bucket list plan - which is pretty ironic as Im starting to feel a lot better & again full on pursue my list - so most likely Ill start posting a fair bit of shit about that. #lovinglife #CHANGE #watchthisspace :) https://facebook/pages/Amazing-New-Concept/170359046494311
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 22:39:29 +0000

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