Well Peaceful Sunday to you all, folks. Today is move in day - TopicsExpress


Well Peaceful Sunday to you all, folks. Today is move in day two - and that mostly translates to sorting through clothes and putting them away. We slept in our new place last night and I have to admit that I miss my mom (Mary Mauldin) and Ned Mauldins loving home. I told Norma Jeanne that I was going to have to go over and have a sleep over there to get a mom and ned fix soon. Mom and Ned have listened endlessly to our stories, given sage advice, watched our animals, done our laundry, fed us and on and on for the last two weeks and I miss them already. Good thing they are headed over here this morning - or I might go into withdrawals. I cant begin to tell you how grateful we are for all of the donations. I am sitting here in a big old fat leather recliner thanks to Amy Barber Anciras in laws, slept on her grandpas bed last night, my girls both have beds, desks and dressers and my kitchen is outfitted - we have sheets, household supplies, lamps and more - that you all contributed to making this little house a home. Liz Stelchek drove down from Dallas to hug my neck and drop off items. Dang, I needed that hug. Thanks, thanks, thanks. Also, all you folks that helped us clean and unpack - thanks. I am sore this AM and I imagine you might be hurting from helping, too. If the gifts of donations and hard work were not enough - Kristina Nichols-Wolter brought our cast iron back FULL of food. Chili, cornbread and apple cobbler. No meal has tasted better and let me tell you how great cobbler and coffee are in the morning. YUM. The only TWO things we need right now are boxsprings for Rubys bed and our bed - FULL for Ruby and KING for us. I am going to check craigslist this AM to see if I can score those two things, but if you recently went all platform style and have these things hanging around, let me know. Today is also operation retrieve the animals day. Hopefully by days end, we will be together on Jinx street. Woohoo. Final thing - the date for the benefit has been officially locked down - December 7 - Put it on your calendars and come out to see us. Have a great Sunday yall! dawna
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 11:41:34 +0000

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