Well Pete, its another one of those 2fer kind of days. I got kick - TopicsExpress


Well Pete, its another one of those 2fer kind of days. I got kick started down memory lane where the journey through the theatre of my mind hung up on digital influencers. Let me fill in the gaps for you Pete and then maybe you can tell me what Im missing here. My journey kick started with the image of someone making a half jump into the air while straddling a motorcycle to land with one foot on this lever thing which would magically start the vehicles engine. It moved from there to memories of seeing riderless motorcycles on the side of the rode when I was a child. As I grew older I came to find out the abandonment of these bikes was due to the fact that some poor fellow couldnt get the sucker kick started. (I thought that was a problem of the past Pete but given that negotiation is a vehicle for coming to an agreement, seems kick starting isnt not as behind us as I would have thought, nor is abandoning the vehicle.) Move forward several years, (my mind jumps ahead like that, Pete, it is quite agile and flexible - hows yours doing?) and my husband, proud owner of a new motorcycle asked me if I would like to take a ride on it to go for a coffee. Like a fool I said yes, thinking we would just go the short distance to the nearest coffee shop. It was my second time on a motorcycle and what does he do but get on the Number One Highway! I thought Id be okay, after all the next exit wasnt that far but, no, he went right by that exit and the next one and the next one, over the Port Mann bridge and right into Vancouver. You know what I saw on my terrifying ride, Pete? Of course you dont, you werent there. I saw digital influencers Pete! Granted, there were only a couple of them but I wanted to scream at them - not a biker - home in the suburbs- mother - three children - a dog and a cat! They wouldnt have heard me Pete. Lucky you were a parachutist, Pete cause my mind is about to make another jump, a big one, all the way to June, 2014. Motorcycle gone - husband deceased - townhouse - children grown - two small dogs, no cat. I was standing at a picket line chatting with a group of teachers and low and behold a digital influencer drove right by us! What was I supposed to scream this time Pete? Im not a teacher, Im a widow, a grandmother? Small hop, come on Pete, not much further. I read something about digital influencers being used in the last election and I thinks to myself, what the heck good would it do to hire a bunch of guys to go around flipping the bird? So I googled, BC Digital Influencers. I couldnt believe what I saw, Pete. A group of young people and an advertisement offering employment as digital influencers. Im not going to say I havent seen members of our younger generation trying to digitally influence each other but en masse, Pete? What kind of job creation scheme is that? Thats not the worst of it, Pete, bad as it is. The article said that digital influencers had been used to procure votes from ethnic cultures. New Canadian citizens, Pete! What the heck kind of welcome is that to citizenship in Canada? I can only imagine how terrifying it would be facing hoards of digital influencers in my new country. A couple of them on the highway all those years ago had me shaking. I have got to say though, the digital influencing really isnt that effective with the teachers. Oh yeah, some of them cry a bit but the honks and waves far out number the birds.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 22:26:45 +0000

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