Well Phils biopsy wasnt good. Its skin cancer. He is coming home - TopicsExpress


Well Phils biopsy wasnt good. Its skin cancer. He is coming home for a week, then has to go back for another op the following week. So after a very busy miserable stressful day i had an early night last night. Not really sure why i even bothered going to bed..i didnt sleep much and at 5 o clock gave upon the idea and got up. Ive taken on a deaf Podenco puppy called Teo. Hes adorable, and has to sleep in a pen at night. He hates it in there and barks to come out all the time. I only put him in there for the night and for short spells while i try to get other things done. Altho hes deaf, he can see...so when he saw the lights go on, he started barking. I let him out and he charged round the house and garden like there was no tomorrow. Bang goes my quiet hour with a fag and a cuppa! So i decide to set about the daily routine, I washed a few pots, turned round and hes pissing on the rug. Im shouting NO, but of course he cant hear me. So im now on my hands and knees scrubbing the rug and hes just outside grabbing distance having a shit on the other rug!! OH my God! Its 5,30 in the morning...whats going on???? So i shut him outside whilst i got the hoover out. Theres a mighty bag, The twats ran into a closed door and is now crying. So i let him back in so i could take a look. As soon as i opened the door, the campo dogs at the back of us kicked off (must have heard Teo crying) hence my other 17 dogs ran out the dog barking at the campo dogs...we now have a bloody chorus going on amidst the mayhem. Teo seems fine, so i let him go. He ran straight into the hoover, knocked it over, got tangled in the flex, hes now screaming again..my dogs hear him and leave the camop dogs to finish off their chorus and my lot come tearing back into the house barking at the commotion thats going on in my living room!!! Im still on the floor at this point unravelling Teo, and now being stomped on and licked all over by my lot. I curl up into a ball and wait til they have all calmed down. OK its quieter so i lift my head up to see Teo having another crap in the kitchen!!! FFS!! The Pod pups are now kicking off with all the noise thats going on, so despite the fact its still dark, i go up to let them out and clean up the nights doings. Not easy in the dark, and im sure i stepped in more than i actually picked up. So back to the house, quick shower, Teos back in the pen kicking off big time, dogs have been medicated, and its now starting to get light. Ive let the chickens out, ones died in the night and i expect that bloody perverted cockerel has possibly been shagging it all night lol. I made myself a cup of tea when i got up, and i still cant find it! Ive obviously put it down somewhere....could be bloody anywhere! I found my specs in the fridge the other day, and i wasnt even looking for them! Ive just been and scooped the poop outside, dogs bedding is in the washer, and NOW im making myself another cup of tea as ive given up on the first one. No doubt it will turn up at some point lol x
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 08:00:16 +0000

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