Well Race Fans firstly I must apologise for my poor spelling and - TopicsExpress


Well Race Fans firstly I must apologise for my poor spelling and bad grammar and I might go on a bit so get a cup of tea and some Dunky biscuits right are we ready lets do it, Right that bit done,as Nick Smith said WOW WOW WOW and one more WOW for good luck what can I say (going to say anyway) not usually get to watch a meeting from start to finish as usually racing myself first meeting at Wheels booking list was 26 not sure how many made it but was told 25 ??? someone will correct me I am sure, the pits filled up nicely over the next few hours with awesome atmosphere building up, the coned area being very busy as new cars had to be checked before the scrutineers checked before the first race and lots of new and very smart cars coming out for the first meeting of which looks like absolute cracking year coming year for the Modstox Racing, the first heat all lined up and waiting for the off and off you all went first bend the white roofs all going in with Trevor Bird getting his front bumper out in front and pulled away and not looking back and took the win as Dave Goddard said along the lines the come back kid with some many cars on track had a right job watching all the action unfold after the first heat as I nearly lost sight of who won the next heat as it was all happening all around the raceway just cracking to watch well done Adam Flynn taking the win think you will need some ballast in your car so I might have a chance of catching you, and the final was just as busy some good clean racing a the use of the bumper working to go effect for those that were putting it in but not as good for those being knocked of line saw a good battle between Adam Flynn and Craig McInerney unfold with somehow Craig getting some bumper from Adam want is your excuse Craig ??LOL Trevor Bird having a good run till the field started to catch up and it all got very busy with David J Sharp come through to take the win in his new car for 2014 not much wrong with that then me old, they was a few none finishers it that one looks like a couple of spring guards trying to get back to the pits before the cars had finished racing (check your nuts Boys before racing LOL) what was your plan Neil Clayton as watching you go round the raceway out of turn 2 was the wall magnet being turned on as you went passed as the Armco kept getting a slap on the back straight was they a bit sticking out of your car that needed something filing down ??? as I said before not seen all of the action of the meeting as it was kicking off all a round the track so if I have missed some action sorry about that but feel free to put in to words and share it with us all, and Brandon Marlow face when he came up to Craig McInerney and me about his clutch slipping and we said pour Coke a cola on the clutch plate was a picture seen it done before at a banger meeting not sure why is it the only thing they had left in the tool box or some secret magic items in the cola if anyone know please let us know and I can supply cans of coke at the next meeting at a good price LOL and the clutch slip seemed to sort it self out as your can looked pretty good in the end Mr B, right then folks I am off to watch some pink paint dry on me wheels PMSL well done to all out on track its was good clean racing and a pleasure to watch keep it up Boys and Lucy Olorenshaw see your all soon cheers Andy #751
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 12:25:19 +0000

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