Well, Robin has been in her new temporary home for exactly a week - TopicsExpress


Well, Robin has been in her new temporary home for exactly a week now. Weve made it thru a lot of firsts in the new place, and she seems to be doing great The staff are very attentive and good with her, and I think because of her age and injuries shes kind of a novelty with the residents. She greets everyone she passes in the hall with a wave and a Hiiiiiii!! Shes perfecting her parade wave. :) I started back to work this week, so shes having to get used to me being there way less than 24/7. I get there early to help her with breakfast and spend some time with her before going to work and again in the evening, and given the fact that its about a half mile from my office Im able to go by at lunch, and can be there in just a few minutes if needed. Jim and Abby are there daily as well. Apparently she misses us, because often she stays pretty close when I first get there and when I start to leave. Im so so so thankful for friends whove come to spend time with her when the family cant be there. The therapists work with her a few hours a day and the nurses and aides are so sweet with her, but they do have other patients and cant be at her beck and call. Weve taken AnnaPaige by there every day, and Robin literally lights up when she comes in the room. Prior to coming home, she would smile for the camera but that was about it, but theres obviously recognition at some level with AP. (Although she did smile when Joanna Griggs came in today. I may have been a little jealous. :) ) When I brought AP close to her for a kiss, Robin said, Say I love you! (Shes heard me say that a time or two. :) ) Her communication level grows daily. While she still experiences perseveration (repetition of a particular word, phrase or gesture), more and more shes coherent and really tries to communicate. Random words and phrases seem to come much more easily when shes not really thinking about the context, but sometimes its obvious shes really thinking about what she wants to say and trying to tell us something, and thats when it seems to become difficult. Occasionally shell come out with something that makes us stop and look at each other, but then the moment is gone and shes back to random words and phrases. But every day she says something new, so her vocabulary is increasing all the time. Yesterday she pointed to a picture of AnnaPaige and said, Cute! Thanks again for remembering us and checking up on us. I cant wait until Robin finds out how much concern there is and how many prayers have gone up on her behalf. I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, Philippians 1:3
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 04:57:40 +0000

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