Well Rovers. Only one more week of preparation. Like me, if you - TopicsExpress


Well Rovers. Only one more week of preparation. Like me, if you slack off from your pre-ride preparation YOU WILL SUFFER (dont mention York...ouch). Seriously, the distances we will be doing in a day are super-human so here is some advice to digest while you think about the pain...er..the ride: As you prepare for your experience, keep in mind the following to ensure you complete the day in your best shape and avoid the dreaded bonk: 1) Carb Up - The bonk occurs when the bodys stores of carbohydrate (glycogen in the liver and muscles) is depleted and the exercising muscle shifts to fat metabolism as its primary source of energy. To avoid this consume a high carbohydrate diet during your training program and in the days before the race. Rice, pasta, cereals, breads and energy bars and gels should all feature prominently. 2) Event Day - Again, carbs are key. Dont wait until you get hungry. Prepare your food plan beforehand. A rule of thumb is one gram of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight per hour. For example if you weigh 80kg and you plan to ride for 5 hours, you should plan to consume 400g of carbohydrate. I would suggest you plan to carry extra energy bars and gels and be conscious of fuelling up throughout the ride. 3) Beware the Sugars - Beware the quantity of sugar in your race foods. Sugar causes an energy spike that gives you a quick high but plummets very quickly, leaving you feeling flat and listless and a long way from home. Save the soft drinks and sweets until after the race 4) Recover! - A long ride does knock your body around. The first step to recovery is to keep restoring your glycogen stores with further carbohydrate intake. Energy bars, bananas are sandwiches are a good choice. Dont be afraid to pig out as your body needs it. Protein is important to repair your muscle tissue so your first meal after the ride should feature high-protein ingredients such as red meat, chicken, fish or tofu. Good luck and good riding,
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 03:50:47 +0000

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