Well-Stated from Linda!! This is not going to be a long rant – - TopicsExpress


Well-Stated from Linda!! This is not going to be a long rant – but there is but one TRUTH. Yes – Truth is often perceived by ones perspective but regardless there is but one Truth related to any situation. I have Liberal/Progressive relatives and friends that just refuse to see the Truth. They cling on to their beliefs even though evidence to the contrary is right there in front of them and is indisputable. They hide behind stubbornness and walls of denial and disregard FACTS like my kids ignore their chores. Progressives continue to respond to intuitive, logic-based Conservative ideas with emotional rants, name-calling, accusations, and fact-less arguments. This is one of the reasons why it IS difficult to debate a Liberal – facts just don’t matter. Logic does not matter. They will lie speak untruths and make populist statements related to “saving the environment”, “working for the middle-class”, and “trying to be fair to everyone” all the while often doing the exact opposite. When you talk about the founding principles of this country in relation to current times – they counter with “That was over 200 years ago- times change.” Boy, do they ever! I recently heard these modern-times referred to as “Post-Constitution”. Pretty accurate I think as Liberal judges and politicians continue to change laws and rulings in such a way that basic fundamental rights now seem like privileges. Who would have thought that organizations would spend millions of dollars to keep prayer out of school and Christmas decorations out of City Hall. It is really a shame. This country is in a downward spiral with little chance of recovery. Trillions of dollars in debt continue to pile up with a Corporate-Representative Congress and a manufactured President. The mainstream media continues to be a key element to promoting the Progressive movement to the masses, fooling them with word-trickery and shenanigans. People need to wake up. modernsurvivalonline/people-need-to-wake-up/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Modernsurvivalonline+%28ModernSurvivalOnline%29
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 22:01:30 +0000

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