Well Taylor had blood work and saw the oncologist today after we - TopicsExpress


Well Taylor had blood work and saw the oncologist today after we got to see some of the Rangers at their unofficial skate. The oncologist said that Taylors blood counts are very low, her ANC is 300 and her white blood cells are 1.3. These are her infection fighting cells, the guideline weve always gone by was any ANC below 750 means no school. The doctor told Taylor she will allow her to go BUT only because she is older and she knows better than to be hugging sick people or things like that, she also said there doesnt seem to be much going around and its only 2 days. The one stipulation was Taylor had to promise to hand wash frequently and use antibacterial throughout the day. The doctor told her if anyone in her class seems to be coughing a lot or sounds real sick to ask to go to the nurse or office for that period. The doctor knows how much being there means to Taylor and she said that she trusts her to be aware of people around her and to have very good hand hygiene. I also trust Taylor but Im not going to lie, I am a bit worried about her levels because they most likely will drop more over the next few days. We will take it one day at a time and see how she does. Sami is doing ok, she is extremely nervous about heading to middle school, change has always been tough for her. We went to the school yesterday to set up her locker, she had a hard time with and couldnt get it to work for her. There were a ton of kids and it was hot as hell too. After walking her schedule for about 2 hours we left but she was really upset because she still didnt get it(meaning the classes) and the locker thing still was not working for her. Late this afternoon we went back and Im happy to say after another hour and a half she is finally confident in at least knowing where to go 90% of the time... and she got the locker combo down!!! Tonight before bed they were talking about what to wear tomorrow and saying theyre nervous but excited. Then I heard Taylor say to Sami if you ever need me Sami I wont be that far, just go to the guidance counselor and tell him you need me. Then Sami says I think I will be ok Taylor but can you promise if you get sick or have a seizure that you tell the nurse to tell me and let me know youre ok so I dont worry if I dont see you.... They may fight sometimes but I know deep down theres nothing like a sister and Im so happy they have each other. To all of our friends and all of the kids that go back to school tomorrow I wish you all the best of luck this year! To everyone that went back today I hope your first day was a great one.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 03:54:30 +0000

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