Well.... The powers that are waning thought it might be funny to - TopicsExpress


Well.... The powers that are waning thought it might be funny to send Jerry to Jury Duty on April Fools Day.... I missed the original cut of go home early slobs... and was summoned to the courtroom for further evaluation as a potential juror... (to my dismay... wanting desperately to avoid any unnecessary confrontation(s)... So... I had to take the bull by the horns with the judge when she asked if there was anyone here with any last reasons as to why they felt they may not make the best choice as a fair and impartial juror; having heard from everyone else at that point about their sick cats or airline reservations etc. It came time to raise my hand. Please rise, Mr. Klein, she said... I bid her honor a good morning and proceeded to inform her that the flag on the main mast out in front of the courthouse, as I pulled in to the parking lot, was in fact, a genuine American flag, (though, now tattering at its edges) and was not the same as all of the rest of the ones in the building, including the one over her right shoulder - behind her - which was encapsulated in gold fringe.... coupled with the fact that my name appeared in all caps on my summons.... and last but not least, that there was a fence with a gate between her and I, symbolically representing the demarc between ship and shore.... a plane that I did not wish to break. I informed the courtroom that this fully denoted an admiralty / maritime preceding - in which - I wished not to participate in.................... Youre free to go, Mr. Klein....
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 17:44:27 +0000

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