Well.... WHAT DO YOU DO!!! Dont Miss!! You may need to read this - TopicsExpress


Well.... WHAT DO YOU DO!!! Dont Miss!! You may need to read this for You & Your Childs sake! I have been apart of Pierce County School System since my children started Pre-K. My oldest now 16, youngest 12. I have ALWAYS PRAISED the SCHOOLS, the STAFF, the ORGANIZATIONS - from the top of the Chain to the Bottom. I have ALWAYS FELT BLESSED to be apart of our schools. Just Loved knowing that being a BEAR - - - was something to be Proud of,.. Special. I frequently reminded my children of this. ( not that our kids would understand that now, but would one day). Ive told them more times than I could count You better Not come home from the School in trouble, if you do ..it will be twice as bad at Home. They have... With things such as: not staying on task, couldnt sit still in there seat, didnt study for test, etc. BUT as small as these were, as promised, they were punished at home. I knew they were smart enough to know better. They are A students, Honor Classes, etc. :) BOOM, BANG, BAMMMMMMMM!! Everything you knew as to where your sending your Child to School, Whos taken care of your Child, and Most Importantly WILL THEY BE SAFE!!!!! The sound of your daughters voice ...telling you about this child telling her SHEs GOING TO CUT HER THROAT TRUST ME...There is no piece in your heart, mind, body, and soul when you her those Words. DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DO AT THAT POINT? PRAY, AND PRAY LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER PRAYED BEFORE! CANT BE TRUE! Then you call the school. YOU JUST KNOW, THE PEOPLE YOU HAND HER OFF TO EVERYDAY IS DOING EVERYTHING TO KEEP YOUR BABY SAFE and PROTECTED. - -You couldnt be MORE WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!! -- Let me tell you my childs story. Also, for ALL OF YOU THAT I MY UNKNOWINGLY MAY HAVE MINIMIZED ANY ISSUES WITH THE SCHOOL, BY SAYING JUST GO TALK WITH THEM! I cant APOLOGIZE ENOUGH!! Being on the other side for the first time ...in about 12 or so years has Opened my Eyes, made my Mouth Drop ( which is hard to do ) and Gasp, while Cussing All at the SAME TIME! Well LONG/SHORT STORY! About a month ago this girl (sounds like Inesha) Twice the size of my daughter starts picking on her. Bad. Had to be BAD, because anyone that knows my daughter RAMSEY ..KNOWS she is Rough as a corn cob! This picking starts not to long after school starts. Her first year at PCMS (pierce county middle school) 6th grade Under the Supervision of PERRY TYSON & LANNA DENISON. Or Should I say Lack of Supervision!! YEP! YEP! I had the SAME REACTION! No! YEPPPPP! Anyways, Ramsey began to start calling me around the same time to pick her up from school early. She would say her stomach hurt, she didnt feel good. She has always been a very healthy child. I could tell something else was bothering her. After a couple of days of this I sat her down to see what is going on. She begins telling me about this girl picking on her, calling her name, etc. So... I let her know that I would call the school to find out whats going on. She then made me aware that the school was already on it. What?!?! The school knows this??? ***** FIRST MISTAKE****** not informing the Parents of this Bully!!!!! So I speak with Lanna about my concerns. It seemed to be taken lightly by Lanna, but If she was on it! Ok. Thats what I needed. BUT....Several days go by - More of the same from this mean girl. Except, now she is telling Ramsey that she is going to CUT HER THROAT and making the hand gesture that she is going to cut her throat every time the teachers turns around. SO.... BACK TO SPEAKING WITH LANNA. I let Lanna know that i wanted the girls separated ******* 2nd mistake****** 3rd mistake Big fight
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:30:43 +0000

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