Well after 3 countries, (germany, holland, and poland); 19 cities - TopicsExpress


Well after 3 countries, (germany, holland, and poland); 19 cities and towns (bremen, oldenburg, Badz wiechenan, east and west Berlin, Potsdam, Bochum, Duisburg, essen, Amsterdam, schiphol, Zwolle, Hoofddorp, Groningen, soltau, Dangst, Wilhelmshaven, and szczecin): a step away from denmark and 33 days later. My travels have come to an end. Ive come across an array of people, good bad and the awful that positively or negatively impacted my stay. But I have to say the milestone was my new found friends and family. Boys Marvin and David. Girl Mareike. Girlfriend zena christin and my main man bumblebee tyler. Time spent with them will ever be memorable and never forgotten. Not to forget my shindler with his constant disagreeing and always needs to be right with the last say, was of course the joy for my search for new things. I never intended to walk the global marathon while being in Europe. In stating this, all the mishaps, headaches, language barrier, along with all the amazing experiences and new found knowledge - this trip will always be the ultimate experience. Way Lim limpt to all those who found it intriguing to follow my journey. Until the next time I find the urge to venture it, but wont so long or intense, I bid farewell to europe. Next entry will be on home soil in Vancouver. 4 more hrs. Til then chow for now.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 22:43:50 +0000

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