Well, after a complete coffee meets monitor (and keyboard) moment, - TopicsExpress


Well, after a complete coffee meets monitor (and keyboard) moment, and not in a good way (wrong hole :/ ) well try again ....... Good morning my little band of Freedom Fighters and Shield Maidens :) xx As predicted, a cold rainy and almost stormy day here in the Shire today. Even the furkid stuck her head out of the door, had a sniff at proceedings and decided discretion was the better part of valor and is currently wrapped around my feet snoring Well I know theres a huge amount going on on the political and the actiivist front but today, and I have several enquiry type emails in my box but today I cant concentrate and for once Im having to think about me. In less than three and a half hours I will be on my way to my fateful appointment with my specialist. As we have had zero communication for the last 6 months (ish) its going to be an interesting encounter to say the least. Im going to have to try and swallow any bile that may arise when it comes to the whys and wherefores of that gap in communication from him and /or anyone from my care team as everything about my future treatment hangs on the outcome of this meeting, I will have to seriously bite my tongue (metaphorically speaking lol) Have as good a day as you can, the weather at least matches the day, it is Monday after all but already we are only two and a half hours away from it being half over, you see, doesnt take long ;) Stay safe, stay alert, trust nothing until youve checked the facts, but above all, be happy ;) xxx
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 08:40:23 +0000

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