Well another year has come & I have so much to be grateful for. A - TopicsExpress


Well another year has come & I have so much to be grateful for. A beautiful family, many friends & relatives that care about me, a roof over my head & a car to drive. With a new year comes a new chapter in my life. Ive always tried to think of leaving the past behind enjoy the present and look forward to the future, but its been hard to leave the past behind. Lots of good memories & some sad ones. The future can be a struggle at times too because we are so worried about what tomorrow brings, so I guess I will try my best to concentrate on the present. You know what they say, The future is never promised so live life to the fullest in the present. One day at a time is a song that my mom always use to sing when I was growing up & I believe it helped her get through some of the toughest times. My Mom is an extremely strong person as well as my Dad, I only hope that I can carry on that trait, & instill it in my children as well. Im asking my friends and family to think about this, Treat one as you would like to be treated, always remember, What goes around truly does come back around. Dont judge others because you dont know what theyve been through. Remember when you were at your lowest point or having a bad day, today someone else somewhere is having that same bad day. Love with all of your heart & always tell the ones you love that you do, you never know when it may be your last day or theirs. Pray everyday even if its one sentence, God is always listening. Take the time out of your busy schedule to call at least one person & talk to them on the phone instead of a text, it means so much more to hear your voice. Apologize to end a quarrel, even if you are in the right, it makes things so much easier to be the bigger person sometimes. All of these things Ive learned over the past years, I try to live up to my nickname Angel & help someone out when I can. Hoping you all have a blessed day & a wonderful weekend. Much love to ya!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 07:11:10 +0000

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