Well as I sit here trying to avoid having a seizure... believe it - TopicsExpress


Well as I sit here trying to avoid having a seizure... believe it or not that is not the bad part of my day... I got up early thinking this would be a very productive day.... I went to the back porch where I turn on the dryer to dry some clothes that I had in there to finish catching up the laundry... also to feed and water the dogs... as I look out the door to make sure theyre OK... Emmy is lying there and appears to be dead... I think that was the one good part of this experience she wasnt dead... while Im tackling the other dog who tried to escape the fence I ended up getting bit... I think to myself no skin punctures no bruises no worries... as I reenter into the house I see that the retarded cat had knocked off the jeans I had laid on the chaise lounge to make sure that they did not wrinkle... as I bend over to pick up the jeans I noticed that my planter for has been knocked over as well... okay thats not the worst of the story... our rescue bird gypsy then decided to dive bomb my head... and my attempt to keep from being hit I got too close to sweetie... yes I got bit.... I did it again think to myself no blood there are no bruises no biggie... well I got that all taken care of... I then ask myself that question when youre having a bad day you should never ask... what can go wrong next... at this time I proceed to head to the bathroom where Im going to change the cat litter and carry out the trash... I bent over to get the trash can and fell on the toilet... yes as you can imagine this caused damage... I proceed to walk to the hardware store... I come home with the parts and repair the toilet... oh but the story doesnt end there... I successfully got the trash into the big trash can... which I might add was in the hallway.... I take the top of the litter box as normal... I head to the big trash can to dump the litter... as youre probably figuring I dumped cat s*** and litter all over the hallway floor... well as of all of this wasnt bad enough... I went to get the broom to clean up the mess I had just made... so frustrated with the day I forget that one of my birds Marley has issues with the broom... I get her calmed down and in the process yet another bite from sweetie... and I ask myself again what next... I managed to pick up the mess I have made all of the hallway floor at this time... I decided I need to work outside for a little bit maybe the house is more than I can handle today... while working on my three wheeler I managed to burn my hand and hit my head... and as in all of this isnt bad enough.... I proceeded to feel like I was going to have a seizure... our cats are young so theyre very playful... they procede in scaring Marley and knocking a whole bunch of crap over... I am frustrated enough by this time I just dont know what to do with myself... I have now successfully managed to fix the things they knocked over... and finally get to rest so that if I have a seizure I wont hit my head... I have enough brain damage already.... then one of my children tells me that it could be worse... I informed them read the status and tell me that then... yet again one more time jinxing myself... I proceeded to dump a glass of water all over me and the couch... I have made a decision... the more I try to make a productive day today...no matter how hard I have tried to make a productive day it has been counterproductive... I have now cleaned up my mess and I am laying on the couch once again... I am now afraid to move... in fear of I will find out what will happen next... have you ever had a day like this???
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 23:39:30 +0000

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