Well as the end of the year draws near I realize that the journey - TopicsExpress


Well as the end of the year draws near I realize that the journey I am currently on began 30 years ago in January. This was the first time I volunteered as an emergency responder with my local rescue team. At the time it felt like our duty to assist where we could to help those in harm. little did I know it would lead to a lifetime of service, memories good and bad - I for sure have seen more sadness in this life than happiness. I still fondly remember the days as a Rookie so full of energy and more scared than I was willing to admit. to becoming a seasoned responder. During the years I took a brief break and served in the Air Force Security Police but returned to civilian emergency services upon my discharge. I now have served in 4 different states and multiple jurisdictions, as a Firefighter, EMT, Emergency Manager, Rescue Specialist, Hazardous Materials Technician. Mutual aid locally, intrastate and interstate. Over these years I have met so many fine responders whose dedication is second to none, too many to name. I have seen the sadness as fire consumes a home or business, the utter shock and devastation death brings. The joy of a new life born into this world or of a life saved. Memories that refuse to fade., good or bad. I have buried friends who have fallen in the line of Duty, those who have succumbed to illness or old age, fear not for I carry your lessons with me each day. I will always remember each and every one of you. I think a lot of what I can teach the younger guys, about fire tactics, rescue techniques etc. But realize the best thing I can teach a young fire fighter is how to be and old Firefighter. as another year passes I think more and more of retirement. but realize that I will probably never fully retire from this profession as it is a way of life, it is more than just a job, it is who we are. So next time you hear a siren and see the flashing lights, please say a prayer for my brothers and sisters, for their safe return home, for divine guidance as they work to save someone from a terrible fate.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:23:59 +0000

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