Well at least we now know the name of one more judge bought by - TopicsExpress


Well at least we now know the name of one more judge bought by Monsanto. Why are we tolerating this??? From Yes on 92: The Yes on Measure 92 campaign is ending its efforts today. While Measure 92 will not emerge victorious in this election, our growing movement to label genetically engineered foods is neither defeated nor discouraged. On Tuesday we went to court in a final attempt to have 4,600 uncounted ballots opened and counted in this race. Judge Kantor agreed that leaving 4,600 ballots uncounted in this election will cause irreparable harm to those voters and to the Measure 92 campaign. But he ultimately ruled that Oregon law didn’t allow him to issue the order to stop count. More than 4,600 valid ballots rejected by elections officials remain uncounted. Those voters did everything right, completing, signing and returning their ballots on time. If their voices could be heard we believe it would result in victory for Measure 92. We have examined all other legal options and have found there are none that could succeed in getting the remaining votes counted before the election is certified. Challenging election results is permitted in Oregon but a successful challenge doesn’t change the outcome of that election. It simply sets aside the results and orders a new election be held… READ the rest of the YES ON 92 Campaign statement: oregonrighttoknow.org/challenge-ballots/ READ more: registerguard/rg/news/local/32535501-75/judge-declines-to-halt-gmo-recount-certification.html.csp Disappointed? We are too. While we continue to push for laws to label GMOs and ban GMO crop cultivation, everyone can make a difference today. Right now. You can do that by boycotting Kellogg’s and helping us grow our Boycott Kellogg’s GMOs campaign. If these multinational corporations refuse to label and fight the people at every turn, we can make an effective statement by hitting their bottom line. Let them know that we do not accept their deceit and their fight to stop our democratic processes. All we need to do is make an example of one corporation in order to change the entire market. Our Kellogg’s Boycott has resulted in declines of Kellogg’s sales 6 quarters in a row. Let’s keep it going and keep it growing. JOIN US: gmofreeusa.org/take-action/boycott-kelloggs-campaign/boycotts-kelloggs-consumers/ #Oregon #YesOn92 #Measure92 #GMO #GMOLabeling #labelgmos #NeedToKnowGMO #BoycottKelloggs #boycottgmos #gmofreecanada #gmofreeusa
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 04:02:52 +0000

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