Well... back at last.... Debbi, Summer, Keelan and myself were the - TopicsExpress


Well... back at last.... Debbi, Summer, Keelan and myself were the official Last Festers Out ... (gotta try for first in last out next year) WHAT AN INCREDIBLE 17 DAYS. so a brief ( ok its me .. not so brief) summary of our Antici-KG-Lebowski experience. First we get lost on the way (GPS PPFFFT) but what a beautiful area of the country to get lost in. We were embraced by our Fest Family and Staff for our first year as Poor Dumb Bastards with the warmest of welcomes. After 2 1/2 days of prep, KGs intuitive Medics Isabella Ionescu and PB caught the infected bug bites and sent me to hospital just in time before sepsis (septic?) took my life. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!! Antibiotics for 7 days SO Sober-Fest (I know oxymoron ish isnt it) I received an intensely beautiful gift from Danielle Lafontaine... See Profile Pic) my New Bodhran hennad with our Wolfsong Logo.... MA brought her to show me while being treated by our medic Isa (since the Dr. did NOTHING) Thanks MA and Dani ... I Needed that sooo much that day. I learned so much about what it takes to run a fest of this size.... and EVERYONE from one night freaky friday attendees to the full bore hard core 3 weekers need to show a HUGE amount of gratitude and appreciation to Austin Lawrence, Maryanne Pearce, Brendan Roche and the trolls, Badger Jones and the monkeys, the medics, the yagermeisters, the unseen volunteers... JUST WOW. Well done !!! SO proud and honored to be part of this crew. Fest moved along with its challenges and rewards I accepted the challenge of the Stag King and saw brother Hobbes take the antler crown as WELL as the 2014 Bardic... THE YEAR OF HOBBES .. just amazing. . At Gypsy camp (Not Gypsys camp.... get it straight folks... its over here) we had a ever increasing STENCH.. building through fest and beyond... turns out there was something dead in the bush we couldnt find so the Decomp permeated the air..... kind of fitting by next year it will be bones for the BONE DANCE !!! It was a bummer man but. We abided.... We were on our site as people showed up and we got excited, and as people left.... we got sad.... but... we abided. THEN >.. LEBOWSKI CAMP FEST...> just FAR OUT MAN ... best way to decompress after a fest EVER !!! I HIGHLY recommend it ... comfy , ringer tossing, whale song appreciation under the moon, tao of dude poetry... woodland carpet arranging. (They really tied the Knoll and Stage together man) a Mass ordination of new Priests of the Latter Day Dude... night bowling, CCK ( Creedence Clearwater Karaoke) and the Screening of what is arguably the best of the Coens works... THE BIG LEBOWSKI itself. By This time My meds were done and I was free to get slammed.. and the White Russians and Clove Cigarettes did JUST THAT..... what a ride man. SO many memories, so much love, wishing for a time turner to go back and do it all again. BUt alas..we must abide till next year, KG 2015 : Bone Dance, and Lebowski Camp Fest II We miss and love you all... and as I said when we started this Brief tale... Were Back in the world at last.. I cant say home.. because we were HOME when we arrived at the Knoll as we all were, as we all feel at our Home fests. Austin and Maryanne... and ALL the staff and fest family... we THANK YOU WITH ALL OUR HEARTS , you have no idea how loved and welcomed you ALL made us feel. Namaste .... Till we merry meet again, to dance and rattle the bones by the fires light, to sing to the ancestors to join our rites, to live, to love, through day and night, through joy and love without a fight.... rest well, live well, safe journeys, and bright blessings to you all. ABIDE
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:07:49 +0000

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