Well being from Detroit and having over 3 dozen Detroit fb friends - TopicsExpress


Well being from Detroit and having over 3 dozen Detroit fb friends has been interesting today. Theres an awful lot of anger in the Lion nation today. ( Anyone recall the Stars beating Buffalo for the cup in 99?, Its a lot like that) Anyway, had that been a Lion running into Bryant near the end of the game and the ensuing non call Im sure Id be mighty pissed off too. Lets get real though. When the game was on the line and Detroit had already squandered a 14-0 lead, kept us from scoring from the 19 and failed to capitalize on a fumble fumble that gave them a first down instead of a ball possession ending recovery....They failed to seal the deal, something Dallas is VERY familiar with.A few bad calls does not a game make. I thought we got screwed by the refs as well: I dont think our guy even touched your punter, it looked like one of your own guys did but your guy hit our punter later in the game, no flag.I also saw a clip when Bush ran for his td that wasnt called. Bottom line is a good team will overcome bad calls. Better luck next season.Now suck it up and go back to hating the team you were born to hate: green bay.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 19:55:21 +0000

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