Well by my reckoning its Wednesday, which means its time for a - TopicsExpress


Well by my reckoning its Wednesday, which means its time for a Weekend Wednesday. Soooo... Star Trek at the Royal Albert Hall on Thursday and Friday was absolutely amazing. If you ever get the chance to see Star Trek films in the fashion, with a live orchestra playing, or indeed any film, I suggest you take it, especially in the company of Fellow Trekkies. Thursday saw the 2009 Movie, introduced by Simon Pegg and that JJ Abrahms Fella, literally straight of the set of that other film hes working on. I forget the name. After the intermission, the conductor of the orchestra Ludwig Wicki, came to the stage in the command uniform. After the performance, which got a standing ovation, the score composer Michael Giacchino gave us a sneaky peak of the score from the new Planet of the Apes film. Friday was spent wandering the sights of London with my friends from Starbase 24. Although I am a lifelong resident of the UK, I have never been to London, so this was a new experience for me. I can tell you that you havent travelled the London Underground until you have done so with a Klingon! Much mobile phone related tripping up hilarity was had. While Friday didnt have the director or any stars, it was nevertheless equally entertaining. Once again, we got to listen to the Planet of the Apes score. This time, the composer came out in blue. Once again, the score was powerful live. Once again, if anyone out there ever gets the chance to experience any film in this way, I encourage you to take it. Now, most, sane people would say yep, Ive had a great couple of nights, lets go home not your CO. For in Birmingham, the UK Games Expo was being had, specifically a Star Trek Attack Wing tournament. I was encouraged to attend, but new the great distances between London and Birmingham made that prohibitive. Then it was announced that they were giving away Gen Kahn to every player. The card is an ultra rare collectible that was given out at Gencon last year in the states. The card features Kahn as he appeared in his first appearance in the episode Space Seed hence the nickname. Ive seen the card go as high as £40 on the secondary market, and I knew that it would be my last chance to get a hold of one. So I went. Normally, at these OP events, you play three one hour rounds with a 100 point build of the same event. This time around, it was five one hour rounds, with a possible sixth of six different events, meaning you had to adapt your strategies. Im not ashamed to admit by the end of the weekend, I was very tired. Had I not been so tired, I think I would have done better. That being said, I won one game, and didnt end up coming last. For particpation, I was given the aforementioned Kahn Card, a Bajoran Akorem ship, a set of red ship bases and a set of Federation fighters However, because I was in my Starfleet uniform, I was given a second ship. In honour of the occasion, I chose Ferengi. Plans are already afoot concerning Star Trek attack Wing at next years games expo. I know I will be attending I know there were a few other events attnded by our crew and friends at the weekend. How did they go? This weekend looks set to be a quiet one for your CO, as I chill out! What are you guys up to? Whatever you do, make sure to TREK first!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 20:21:42 +0000

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