Well, decided to stay awake this AM. Got out of the house finally - TopicsExpress


Well, decided to stay awake this AM. Got out of the house finally to go to church with my mom and after we went to Swiss Chalet for lunch. Afterwards she went with me to get a new MP3 player, actually found a 16 GB one. Loaded all my almost 1800 songs that I have downloaded to my computer and now only have 8 GB free left. Sheesh! And Im not even close to being half way through my CD collection. Im probably going to have to buy another MP3 player. Then went to Wal Mart to buy some larger sized clothes since my present ones dont fit any more with me gaining a bit more weight, I think Im up above 220 lbs. now. It was kind of fun shopping with my mom, she was always helping me to pick out the clothes and I didnt go wild buying too much. Have a doctors appointment tomorrow, will be discussing the results of my ECG and the blood work that was done last time. And also I will be inquiring why I need to see an endocardiologist, sounds ominous. Oh well, not worried in the least, what Ive faced in my life this far is far more dangerous and left much damage and scars. Still, some prayers would be cool. Also need to find out why most of my upper respiratory passages are mostly blocked. Id sure love to be able to breathe again. Right now its like breathing through a small straw. And then theres my high blood pressure. I have a feeling my ADHD medication might be causing this, since its a stimulant. A type of amphetamine. Mixed salts amphetamine actually. Then again, heart disease runs in the family, who knows. And I know God does. Im putting all my trust in Him. Whatever the outcome is i will accept it, even if its dire news. Im not afraid to die, I have the assurance of an everlasting life. But I really dont think so, Im not ready to die, Ive too much to do in life for God. We had a most beautiful day today, sunny with a high of +5 C, but there was a strong chilly breeze. My freshly shaved head didnt like it at all. With the milder temps. everything is just a huge mess, with the melting of all the snow we got this past winter. Well, anyway, good night, good morning, good afternoon and good evening peeps, whatever time it is wherever you live on this tiny, and I think shrinking, planet. ;) :P Much love and prayer from somewhere & I. God bless & Godspeed all. (If anyone doesnt know what I mean by writing Godspeed. Its an old British nautical term, the officers would always say Godspeed when each other was departing from their docks. It means go with God and was said in means of saying be well and return safe, if I remember right. P.S.-HEBREWS 11:1, 3 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at Gods command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Now, if you continue to read on in Hebrews 11 you will see that all the great characters of the bible all acted on their faith in God. Which I find quite interesting. Being mindful of the fact that our faith must be solidified and founded on love, without the such your faith is meaningless, stated in 1 CORINTHIANS 13S beginning few verses. I find it so amazing that we can put all our hope in our faith in God and can trust in Him solely and wholly. And we have the undoutable assurance that He will always be with us no matter what. No one man or woman on this planet Earth is even close to being worthy of such devotion, for lack of a better word. As it is stated in JEREMIAH 29:11 I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then it goes on to say in verse 12-13 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord. You see, you must seek the Lord with all your heart in order to walk in His light and will receive what Gods plans are for you when it is time and you are ready to receive them. God is always near and Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit are right there with you. Because of Gods boundless grace, unfailing love and never ending mercy we can put all hope, faith and trust in Him without any question if obedient to the Author of all His childrens life. Remember: hope, faith, love and trust requires the aforementioned obedience. As with everything in life, patience is required, this can be accompanied with obedience. No matter how hard and how much it hurts. God can, God will. Sometimes we all at one point or the other in our lives must go without for awhile and/or drop what were doing and/or let go and leave behind, just this a bitter pill to swallow for sure. But thats just the ignorant arrogance of man. Remember: God knows better and only He truly knows the heart of a man, as well as knows that man better then even he knows himself. Sometimes when God has us go without and/or let go and leave behind is because He has something better in mind for you. Remember to listen to that still, small voice in your Heart of Hearts whisper: Dont give up now, look how far youve come, go on, give it one more try. This is the hope and faith that we must hold onto with all of who we are if we are are going to live according to the tried, tested and found to be true and perfect will of God. Our relationships with our Lord and God hinges on our hope in our faith in Him. Then all will be clear and will fall exactly y into place just where God wills it, whether we like it or not. Ooops, I only meant to share the verse from Hebrews 11 and it turned into a devotional. Oh well, thats how I like it when people are going to offer any kind of encouragement with the sharing of a verse on its own, when all that does is makes one feel good, but dont fool yourself, that kind of encouragement is hollow and meaningless. Gods Word is not meant for just making us feel good, Jesus never said anything to truly make anyone feel good. Gods Word is meant to teach and provide answers to some of lifes many questions. Even to admonish. Okay Im done now, I think. To anyone who took the time to read all of this, I thank you and hope it is a blessing and gives you something serious to think and to pray about. SCOTT DAVID BUCKLEY
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 03:39:03 +0000

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