Well done, being healthy n loving means being that, which is - TopicsExpress


Well done, being healthy n loving means being that, which is living that. We can not continue to live in a world were lies create fear. Truth is Love, and fear is False Evidence Appearing Real, we must with love bring out the Truth about all that is now, dont waste energy about what happened until we live in truth n love each day. Thoughts Words Action All Love All Truth Is All For All Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesnt fit in with the core belief. Frantz Fanon Cognitive dissonance - It is the unseen enemy of mankind. It does more to cause war, crime and suffering than anything else, because it prevents people from learning and changing. Being incorrect or not aware is not always due to a wrong choice or an ego driven mess. Being misinformed or uninformed can be a cause. Half truths can play into incorrect information as the person will resonate with the truthful half and then sometimes except the untruthful half. Then there is the fact that they could have been misinformed, told an untruth. They may have been told a half truth or possibly told truth but could not yet innerstand it. We must realize we are now awakening/evolving at an increasing rate, so what is true today will not always be true tomorrow. We are all reconnecting to what we forgot at different rates and are all in different parts of our journey. We are all connected, unique and have unique love n truths. Love is Truth N Truth is Love. Namaste : ) Its not what you look at that matters; its what you see. Henry David Thoreau When you see the truth for the first time, it is what people call a peak moment, or a moment of clarity. You get a larger percentage of what each moment of life actually contains; you are filled with life. Your mind is the gatekeeper of life, and sometimes it lets a little true life in, but most of the time it does not. The truth is, every moment of life is special, and you can be completely open to life most of the time. You just have to see the truth to see true life. Do you realize the profound implications of ingesting Scalar Enhanced Products? What is Scalar Energy? Scalar Wave energy is a natural circular wave pattern that directly influences the body’s fluid systems, blood and lymphatic and cellular. Lab tests have indicated that red and white cells tend to stick together when there is illness, injury or poor health. According to the famous Max Planck Institute in Germany the scalar energy “unsticks” blood cells and encourages normalization and oxygenation of the cells and fights infection. Circulation is remarkably improved in lymphatic and blood systems to flow smoothly with the application of scalar waves. Scalar frequencies encourage healthy cell regeneration and renewal while rebalancing our normal electrical fields. Scalar Wave Healing Check out the following benefits: 1) Using Scalar Enhanced Products eliminates the harmful effects of man made frequencies we are exposed to like cell phones, computers etc. 2) It increases the energy level of every single cell in the body to the ideal 70-90 millivolt range. It is Interesting to Note Most Cancer Cells Tested are Low Voltage Cells running at 15 - 20% millivolts 3) consuming Scalar Enhanced Products can protect your DNA from damage. 4) Scalar Enhanced Products cause every cell in your body to detox and allows for better absorption of nutrients. 5) Scalar Enhanced Products decrease the surface tension of products and significantly reduces the time required for your body to assimilate the product. 6) Scalar Enhanced Products Increase overall body energy levels as a result of increasing cellular energy for trillions of cells in the body. 7) Scalar Enhanced Products cleanse the blood of protein and fat particles floating in the blood. 8) Scalar Enhanced Products improve immune function by as much as 149% as proven in laboratory studies 9) Scalar Enhanced Products Improve mental focus as demonstrated by increased amplitude of EEG frequencies 10) Balances out the two hemispheres of the brain, measured by EEG tests 11) Scalar Enhanced Products work as an antidepressant since it inhibits the uptake of noradrenaline by PC-12 nerve cells Pulsed, Electro-Magnetic Therapy Pulsed- low, mid, and high frequency AC signals, when applied to the body, can produce therapeutic electric/ magnetic fields. Properly configured, they can also produce scalar waves. The special attributes of scalar waves were first described mathematically by James Clerk Maxwell in 1873, and later by Nikola Tesla. A certain type of pulsed electro-magnetic field, with their attendant scalar waves, seems to stimulate re-growth and regeneration in injured tissue. Covalent waves (conventional sine waves) do not have the same effect. Dr Robert O. Becker, M.D., discusses this phenomena in two of his recent books that deal with electro-medicine: The Body Electric (1985) and Cross Currents (1990). Never take or put anything in your body thats not good for your body. Get back to nature and start to really love yourself. Knowledge is power and we all have the power to heal ourselves naturally and safely. Everyone please get a bottle of Scaler Silver today and change your health now! If you are not familiar with this product, please learn more about it ASAP and share with others. Scaler Silver / Molecula Silver Get a bottle today to change ur health and change ur life. Get Back To Nature and Love Yourself Truth N Love To All bit.ly/1gJ86Ho Be Well Please check out this product and let me know what you think about it. Wattywatts77@hotmail Namaste
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 20:16:23 +0000

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