Well done for all who played but the winner gets the imagine in - TopicsExpress


Well done for all who played but the winner gets the imagine in the end c: This be for Trinity with Mr Luke ^.^ Not my best but I hope you like it lovely A snort leaves your lips at the sight before you, at the sound his tall body spins around to look at you almost causing him to fall of the step ladder at how fast he moved. A shocked look stays on his face as his blue eyes stay trained on you, a breathy “What are you doing here?” leaves Luke’s lips. You raise an eyebrow at your boyfriend, “My house, I could ask you the same though.” You add as Luke gives you a cheeky grin, climbing down the step ladder, “Do you even need a ladder to reach that?” Luke turns to look at the ‘WELCOME HOME TRINITY’ banner as I look at it as well. “I may be tall, but not that tall.” He laughs turning back to look down at you. You frown slightly, “That ruins my surprise.” You say looking down at the bag in your hand. You jump as a hand encloses yours and look up at the tall lanky teenager. “I’m sorry if I ruined your plans babe.” Luke says bringing your entwined hands up to his lips so he could kiss your hand whilst looking you dead in the eye. “Can I add something to that banner?” You pout at him playfully, causing him to grin and lean down pressing his lips against yours. You let the bag lightly drop to the floor and bring your hand up to cup his check as his free hand goes to your waist. You’re the one to pull back as you both stand there in your lounge room, noses still touching. “I’m glad you’re home.” He whispers. You pull back a little bit further so you can look at your boyfriend, “Me? I’ve only been gone three weeks, I’m glad you are home.” Luke lets out a laugh and leans forward, causing you to drop your hand from his cheek, as he kisses your cheek, before stepping back, “Yeah but two of those weeks I was already home.” He calls running out of the room leaving you there. “Meet me in the kitchen once you’ve added whatever it was you wanted to add to the banner.” You roll your eyes at the dorky boy but nonetheless pick up your bag and pull out the massive square block letters that would make your banner. Turns out Luke and you thought very similarly when it comes to getting home. The 23 jumble of letters in the end spelt out: WELCOME BACK TO SYDNEY LUKE You grab the ‘A’, the ‘N’ and the ‘D’ and stick that on the wall as well as Luke’s name. So in the end the banner messily read, ‘WELCOME HOME TRINITY AND LUKE’ It looked quiet strange but that was normal for the two of you. It was them you noticed how quiet Luke was being, definitely not normal. Slowly you make your way into the kitchen where there was no blonde haired tall teenager to be seen. “Luke?” You call cautiously unsure on if he was playing a prank or not. “Outside.” His voice calls quietly. You make your way to your back door and pull it open, bringing a hand to cover your mouth at the sight before you. Standing there in his usual black jeans and a red and black flanno was your Luke, also dressed with a suit jacket, beside him was a small round table and two chairs with candles lit and food on the table. “Thought you might want to eat something before everyone gets here.” He chuckles pulling a chair open for you. “It’s hot.” He adds as an afterthought pulling a face, making you laugh as he pulls the jacket off and throws it over the back of his chair. “Well?” Luke adds nervously after you don’t say anything. “It’s lovely, and thoughtful and just – I love you.” You stammer before letting out a breath. Luke lets out a chuckle, “I love you too Trinity, cheers to us.” He adds holding up a champagne glass.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 06:39:35 +0000

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