Well done today Ireland, well done. Water is certainly the straw - TopicsExpress


Well done today Ireland, well done. Water is certainly the straw that broke the camels back but it is still just one of many issues. Our mentality now needs to change and this view that we must choose from FF, FG, Labour and Sinn Fein needs to stop now if we truly are to be successful. These parties share power between them and all of them operate the same policies with only slight differences leaving the Irish electorate with the opinion that there is no point in voting. If we are to truly beat these parasites then we need to show them that not only are their different options now available when it comes to voting but we are also prepared to vote for these options. Irish Democratic Party are a new party who have faced huge resistance and red tape over the past two years trying to legally register the party to contest an election and now they have succeeded. We need to build this party, a party made up of ordinary decent citizens who have simply had enough. Any one who knows me knows I have been fighting a long time against the various corrupt decisions of this government and previous government. We are in debt because our leaders choose to pay bond holders and that is the matter in a nutshell, that is why all the property tax collected instead of being put into the running of local services was handed over in payment to bond holders. I ask you in fact I beg you to stop thinking with the same old fashioned views, stop believing there are only 4 political parties to choose from and spread the word that Irish Democratic Party exist. Tell your relatives and friends to look them up on face book . No one is saying you need to vote for them just yet as that is your right and your decision but to truly terrify the established corrupt parties show them that your are considering other alternatives and as their poll share drops I guarantee you will see a different reaction from them. This video is Dublin Northside and it gives some idea of just how huge it was. Bear in mind that later in the day Northside met Southside and this figure doubled and what a wonderful sight to see it was. youtu.be/cUstSWyufd8
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 19:02:06 +0000

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