Well faithfull followers of the MIGHTY yet cheerful Winking - TopicsExpress


Well faithfull followers of the MIGHTY yet cheerful Winking Mutant, Saturday Games night held many twists, turns and mayhap a few surprises along the way. We begin with our intrepid team of adventurers, whom if you recall last week did delve perhaps a little too deep into the Goblins lair when they encountered a White Dragon! Though a Fledgeling this beast was as arogant as one would expect a Dragon to be, our clever adventurers managed to talk there way out of being lunch; once again the Dwarven Hirelings picked up from Fallcrest continued to be less than usefull and the Cleric unwittingly incured the ire of the Dragon, the day was salvaged as the Dragon expressed his contempt for our the Dark Rider Malareth, our heroes also managed to gleen that the Rider is in fact a Necromancer! Vile shaper of the dead! *Spit* The Party agreed to hunt and dispatch Malareth for the Dragon, in turn the Dragon offered safe passage and a piece of his Horde should the Adventurers return alive! With how useful the Dwarves have been to this point one has to wonder if perhaps our heroes would be better off on their own. The party was prepared to continue through to another section of the dungeon when sounds of a pitched battle were detected coming from an adjacent room! Could there be another group of adventurers in the same Dungeon? Our heroes could contain their curiosity no longer and Burst into the room, only to witness two Rogues dispatching a trio of Goblins and a Pair of Dire Rats, the final Goblin begged for his life as the Halfling Rogue nimbly slid her Dagger accross the vile creatures throat, spilling his green vitae to the ground, as she turned calmly wiping her dagger in the Goblins shirt, she caught the eye of our heroes, "Well there you are" she said grinning, "the guild master said you were off on some fools errand, I thought we would see what kind of trouble you were up to this time". What awaits our Heroes further in the Dungeon, what motivates these new Rogues? Stay tuned and we shall discover the answers together. MTG held a few surprises, in the first of several "BIG" games we saw Allies draw themselves victory with infinite wolves and infinite life! Can anyone say "SCOOP!". In 4v4 action we saw Elves grow to nearly epic proportions and an assault of nearly 500 damage negated by one card....No damage dealt by creatures this turn it would seem, turn about is fair play, we had done the same only a few turns earlier; its ok the Elves said, we will get them next turn. The next thing we knew Terminus had been played, eliminating ALL creatures on the table, Whom played such a Vile Card? the Angels on Our team, one has to forgive though, he had been itching to play that card since last week, who could blame him, Victory came more as a whimper than a roar as the opposition lost by mill out, not the epic battle one wishes to see, but a victory none the less. We split into teams of two for this the FINAL game of the night, Vile Vampires and Angels full of Grace, an unlikely match up, yet woefully effective, Elves and Slivers were kept at bay as all players had to sacrifice one Non-Vampire creature on the Vampires turn, OUCH! the Tokens and Allies rallied and dealt the Vampires and Angels (the Angels also had to sacrice one creature each turn) a devastating blow, then turned their attention to the Elves and Slivers, it was a bloodbath, the corpses of sliver and elf littered the battlefield, Tokens and Allies Took the field and reaped the rewards of VICTORY! Who shall stand as King or Queen of the Hill next week? who knows, it could be you.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 07:41:52 +0000

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