Well folks, were sick again at the shenanigan household. I - TopicsExpress


Well folks, were sick again at the shenanigan household. I just had Dylan at the dr a little over a week ago and now again hes sick. Runny nose, coughing and low temp. My nose and sinuses are all messed up as well. Luckily Carly and daddy dont have whatever this cold sinus funk is yet, because when they get sick folks, oh boy, they are cranky butts. But poor Dylan he has been sick to much over the past few weeks. We have had a new therapist here as well and between going back and forth to the drs I knew we were bound to pick something up again. Looks like back to the dr if Dylan aint better in another day. Im going out this evening or tomorrow to try an attempt to find Dylan something for his birthday. Which hes not into much so I have no clue what to get him. Usually we go with DVDs and something sensory, but I got that for him for Christmas. So Im clueless. Dylan turns 8 on Saturday and were suppose to have a little get together and a party for him. If he isnt feeling better though we cant. Im not going to infect anyone else with our germs. When I do go out and about Im thinking of stopping by GNC and picking up some supplements for the kiddos for over this winter in hopes to help boost their immunity being they have low immune systems so every little thing they come across they pick it up. And being we stay at home most the time and I homeschool they are not around many other kids so yes they will get every little thing that comes along unfortunately. To top of their low immunity it makes it really impossible for them not to get sick all winter. Does anyone have any good supplements or certain vitamins they use to help boost immunity that you can recommend?
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 16:30:55 +0000

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