Well for those that didnt know, I was invited to tag along with - TopicsExpress


Well for those that didnt know, I was invited to tag along with James Scott and Zander Scott on a trip to Morehead City, NC this past weekend. Man did we have a great trip! I have had a German U-Boat on my dive Bucket list for a long time (Being an Ex-Submariner myself) so when the opportunity to tag along came up I jumped on it. Thursday and Monday were travel Days which left us Friday-Sunday to try and hit some spots and hopefully get on the U-352. As it turned out it looked as if Friday was going to be the best of the 3 days but as we headed offshore the Captain informed us that it would be too rough to continue the 25-30 miles and we would have to stay inshore on a shallower wreck. The first dive was an opportunity to check the wreck of the Indra, myself and my two buddies checked the site out and did some video and photography but no Sharks were spotted. The second dive we opted to stay and dive the Indra again and I taught Zander a wreck diving class and did some minor penetration and some reel work. It was a great time and we all learned a lot. Day 2 started out not looking like the best conditions and we were all worried as we loaded up that we would be stuck inshore again but as we headed out the pass the Captain of the Olympus gave the thumbs up to head offshore. The first stop would be the Spar which was a really nice wreck with some great diving. I was instantly drawn to the 4-5 sand tigers huddled under the bow, I snapped photos as I learned how to interact with these (New to me) sharks. Turned out they are just big puppies and dont mind a diver snapping 100 photos and strobe shot into their eyes! I got a few nice photos and spent the better part of the dive exploring my limitations with the sharks before doing some light penetration into the wreck. Very nice dive. On the surface interval the Captain asked what we wanted to do next, I sat with bated breath praying for the U-352, the Captain knew since I had already told him about 20 times, but mine was only 1 of 20 votes. And although there were a few offers for other wrecks (Especially by the crew) we opted for the U-Boat. I know I was grinning from ear to ear and wanted to jump up and down when the Captain said......The U-Boat it is! YES!!!!!!!! So after 22 years almost to the day I would once again touch a Submarine while under water, this time a German U-Boat in 110 of water details of her demise can be found here: olympusdiving/north-carolina-diving/nc-wreck-diving/u-352-wreck-dive/ as well as the link below. I first just took it all in and gave thanks the Germanys Navy sucked ass! And then spent the next 40 minutes or so taking it all in and snapping 100s of photos and a lot of video. It was an awesome experience, one that I will not soon forget. Day 3 looked the worse of the 3 as we prepared to set sail but again luck would be on our side and conditions weakened as we headed offshore. We went to the Aeolus first which is in three pieces but we were on the bow and it was about 300-400 to the stern where the sharks gathered in groups.....Yes, I swam it. It was a bit of a haul up current but I made it with time to get a few great shots and some good video before turning back to the anchor line, the plan was to dive the portion of the wreck second but since it was crowded with other boats we decided to go back to the Spar, good thing I did swim it!!! The Spar was cool again but only about 5 sharks under the bow, and a big turtle and some Rays. All in all it was a great weekend with some great dives with some great friends! Thanks again to James for letting me tag along on his latest adventure! Pictures to follow.....
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 16:04:46 +0000

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