Well, friends. Recently, I was invited to join a Facebook Page - TopicsExpress


Well, friends. Recently, I was invited to join a Facebook Page related to Tennessee Politics. I looked at the page and discovered that the owner(s) had determined that I was a member of the Clan Crazy or something of that sort and that I was one of the Big Losers in the 2014 Primary Season. I guess your perspective determines your conclusions. First, if by holding to the principles that built the nation, principles of self-reliance, personal responsibility, local control of small government, low taxes, minimal governmental interference in business and the markets, strong national defense, closed borders, adherence to the rule of law, disdain for cronyism, and lack of support for any smattering of a political oligarchy but adherence to principle first, party second.....then I suppose I am a member of some crazy club. (By the way, this site purports to be some sort of Republican something or other site.) As a result, I accept their appellation as crazy. Yeah, crazy like Samuel Adams, John Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Ethan Allen...... Second, if they mean that because several of the candidates I supported were not successful, lets be clear. The real Losers are the people of those districts who lost the opportunity to be represented by solid conservatives. Like the people in TN-27 who saw their long-time conservative Representative Richard Floyd be replaced by a confirmed Democrat, Patsy Hazlewood, who defined her Republican bona fides by voting in three Democrat Presidential primaries in the past sixteen years. (For those of you on Common Core math, there was only one other Presidential Primary during that time.) They could have chosen solid conservative Team to Elect Tommy Crangle, TN House, District 27 instead. Like the people in TN-66 (Robertson County) who saw their conservative Representative Joshua Evans leave his seat and be replaced by Sabi Kumar, who showed his Republican bona fides by having NEVER voted in a Republican Primary. He did find his way to the Democrat ballot once. They gave up the opportunity to have a solid conservative Lt. Col. Chris Orndorff for State House, representing them. Like the people in TN-94 (Fayette, Hardeman and McNairy) whose State Representative had to flee the seat for personal indiscretions. They chose an establishment candidate, Leigh Rosser Wlburn, someone who tagged along behind the incumbent at Law School in Nashville with no public policy experience. This, rather than a seasoned constitutional conservative, Hal Rounds, who has written legislation, testified numerous times before Committees in Nashville and has taught Constitution Refresher courses all over the nation. Like the people in TN-66 (Williamson County) who chose to send an establishment incumbent, Charles Sargent, back to the State House, for the 10th time. Steve Gawrys, a solid conservative, business owner, and 10th Amendment activist, gave the voters a good choice. Yet, the voters chose to send their incumbent, who has forgotten where he lives and who he represents. No, folks, I am not the loser here. The voters in these four districts are the big losers. I feel badly that I was not able to do more to help them. But when the entire TNGOP leadership and their associated Common Core PACs and other elected officials piling hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash into these campaigns, these conservatives had a lot working against them. Check the disclosures at tn.gov. Search for campaign finance disclosures and just type in the last names of these folks who were propelled to victory, not by folks at home, but by the machine. Follow the money. Oh, and I dont plan to friend you, whoever you are.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 13:39:43 +0000

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