Well, from what Ive seen, it doesnt appear that honesty and truth - TopicsExpress


Well, from what Ive seen, it doesnt appear that honesty and truth is valued by the Hebrew-Israelites whore apparently Messianic by the way since this one keeps mentioning Christ (a Greek word and not a Hebrew word to my knoweldge by the way) and apparently also some Protestant version of the Christian bible. 1) Sure Africans sold other Africans into slavery. And Im confident they were very aware that the other Africans who they were selling were their relatives in some way just like African-American members of opposing gangs know good and well that theyre related as African-Americans for a comparative example which is why therere reports of them uniting periodically against white supremacists on the grounds that theyre the same black/African-American people. Bamana/Bambara, Vai, Mandingo, Soninke/Sarahule/Marka, etc... are all different African tribes in the same general fairly wide-spread region of West-Africa and theyre all fully aware that theyre at least linguistically related to each other if not ethnically so as well -- their languages are so close to each other that theyre almost intelligible. Souleymane Kante was able to invent his Nko (I say) alphabet in the late 1940s to early 1950s that can be read by a number of Manding dialects. The same is surely true with the Bantu whos languages and cultures are surely far more widespread than the Manding culture while their languages are extremely close to each other, and theyre also aware of this Bantu cultural/linguistic unity as well. However, those Africans were known to have conflict among each other, and if theyll kill each other (if one individual and/or group happens not to like another individual or group) for no profit, then theyll most surely sell each other for profit just like some of us over here will kill each other for passion or sell out each other for profit or whatever -- its what certain humans do. So, the individual Yahanna trying to insinuate that were not the same people as Africans (as if were not of at least part African ancestry) is some more of that contradictory dishonesty again because he says that other Africans sold us, and Im assuming he means they sold us away from Africa which means we were in Africa before being sold resulting from conflict or whatever. 2a) @5:11 where Yahanna apparently trys to says that African-Americans cant trace their ancestry back to Egypt, thats also only partly true as therere African-Americans who can trace their ancestry back to Fulani Africans who were captured from Africa (in battle) and sold into slavery to the U.S., and those Fulani Africans have traditions of having descended from Egyptians. Prince Ar-Rahman Jallo of Futa Jallon in Guinea is one of these Fulani Africans -- and a royal Africa too -- who found himself as a slave in Mississippi where he left descendants. Omar ibn Said was another Fulani African who was captured from Senegal and sold into slavery to the southeastern U.S.. Therere reportedly African-Americans who can trace their ancestry back to Mandingos, and therere African traditions of Mandingos having descended from Ethiopians and Egyptians and theres much in at least the Mandingo vocabulary that indicates this such as the Mandingo word kemboo (charcoal...) which is comparable to the Coptic word kame (black) as well as the Geez/Ethiopic word ሕመት hemat (soot as from a lamp, etc...) which both are known from the Ancient Egyptian word transliterating from the hieroglyphs as km (black) which is the root of the Ancient Egyptian word Kmt or Kemet (Egypt the Black Land/Nation). However, because much about the history of the traditionally illiterate regions of Africa is vague, I try not to talk too definitively in terms of descendancy and ancestry and prefer rather to speak in terms of relation, comparison and things of that nature which allows more flexibility to determine the actually nature of those relations later. 2b) However, the way in which Jonothan Owens attempted to address Yahannas statement about African-Americans and Egyptian ancestry was also not the best way because it relied upon online reports of Western[?] DNA research and not from African records/reports themselves. Im not saying to totally ignore DNA research. But, to me the better way to approach the question of African-American and Kemet connections is via the African cultures which we know without question contributed to who African-American are today, and those cultures are Vai, Mande, Gola, Kissi, Grebo, Temne, Wolof, Serer, Fulani, Maure/Moor, Soninke, Mande, Mandingo, Bamana/Bambara, Baule, Ashanti, Ga, Ewe, Fon, Yoruba, Edo-Benin, Igala, Ibibio, Igbo, Oron, Efik, Ejagham, Igala, Podoko, Hausa, Tuareg Berber, Kanuri, Songhai, Bamileke, Tikar, Bube Bantu, Fang Bantu, Bangi Bantu, Yaka Bantu, Bembe Kongo Bantu, Yombe Kongo Bantu, Woyo Kongo Bantu, Mbundu Bantu, Umbundu Bantu, Chokwe Bantu, Luba Bantu, Luluwa Bantu, etc... This position is strengthened by the fact that theres even cultural continuum from these ancestral African cultures in the African-Diaspora in the form of Voodoo, hoodoo, obeah, Orisha/Santeria, MaYombe, Vodou, Shango in Trinidad, Abakua, Gulla-Geechee dialect, Lucumi Yoruba dialect, Jamaican Patois dialect, etc... on both continents of the western hemisphere as well as in the Caribbean. So, our still living cultural links back to many of our ancestral African cultures which have connections back to Kemet (likely via Meroe and Napata at least in part) are our evidence of African-American links back to Kemet as well and the best way to prove our claims of African-American and Kemetic connections is to conserve and stand on what weve inherited from the African cultures who contributed directly to who we are today in the Diaspora. The problem rises, in my opinion, when we neglect and/or forget our legitimate direct connections back to West-Africa/Central-Africa in favor of Kemet or Hebrew-Israelite (or Indigenous-American, etc...) identity when its the knowledge of our direct West/Central-African cultural/ancestral heritage which makes our claims to Kemet much stronger -- just read African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality by Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop for a very brief introductory description of some of those connections. But, research doesnt stop with Dr. Diop either. Still, unless objective African-centered scientists did the field research, data collecting and labeling, equipment fabrication, etc..., to rely only upon Western research to tell us what our ancestry is isnt satisfactory and may even be compromising as they can easily propagate mis-information out there that sounds good to us and then discredit us later or other things like that to make African-centered scholars look incompetent or whatever. There seems to be a level of confidence exhibited from a certain generation of African-Americans in some electronic media reports which should be questioned more than its suspected it is. 3) I dont know of Hebrew writings in Egyptian culture. Hieroglyphs are older in Kemet than Abraham the first Hebrew. And whats commonly known as Ancient Hebrew letters is really Phoenician Canaanite letters -- so-called block Hebrew letters is much younger. Anyway, Bro. Jonathan Owens pretty much has it right enough on the rest of this video. But, regarding at least certain blacks in the U.S. who identify as Hebrew Israelites (as well as certain others), there seems to be a certain level of apparently shameless disregard for honest objectivity in their scholarship. From what Im seeing in this video, theyre either very unaware of a whole lot of facts or they just dont care about openly lying in public on camera and may calculate that some ignorant individual who doesnt know any better is out there in the audience sea and will go for the bait. Some pseudo-scholars of the type exhibited in this video seem to think that if they tell a lie or report a distortion in a particular confidant-sounding tone of voice often associated with authority that people will believe them, and maybe it works. Loud talking, over talking and filibustering, etc... seem to be some of their tactics. It seems like theyre counting on some naive ignorant people to hear them -- they are talking from the only book many African-Americans in the U.S. seem to be familiar with and hold some confidence in, so, any of the true knowledge that Jonathan Owens or other properly informed Kemetic/African-centered scholars may mention may sound entirely foreign/alien (or even demonic, blasphemous, Satanic or at least uncomfortable) to the average African-American while the lies and distortions told by the loud talking confident sounding Yahanna sound more familiar and closer to what theyre at least accustomed to hearing on certain Sunday mornings. Thats why I suspect Yahanna can invoke the familiar name of Christ and say that a brother won a debate against Brother Polite when he apparently didnt win. But, in the absurd upside-down thinking of a certain type of African-American in the U.S., if a liar says the name of Christ upon a lie while a non-Christian tells the truth, a U.S. African-American may very well choose to go with the lie rather than the truth when, to my understanding of the Christian bible, Christ does not like lying. It seems like, to a certain type of upside-down thinking African-American who doesnt seem to know how to critically think clearly, a statement like Next week I was at Abraham Lincolns 20th birthday party in Tokyo just three blocks from Miami Uganda, so, Ill smell what you wrote me tomorrow when I get a chance last week -- especially if a professed Christian says it and terminates a statement like that with something like ...in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.... Of course my example may be a bit of an exaggeration, but, it gets my point across because for Yahanna to say we arent Africans, but, were apparently sold from Africa by Africans which has to mean that we were in Africa is absurd. Probably more than anything else, debates like this illustrate that African-Americans were greatly effected by slavery and that many (not all) of us have lost much (not all) of any clear recollection of our true African ancestral background and that therere those -- even from among our own -- whore willing to exploit that for some type of profit or something. It makes one wonder if some of these individuals spreading such distortions are getting some subsidies for it or something. There arguing method seems to have some training behind it. Or maybe is just something as simple as ego causing them to attempt to refine or polish up their lies and distortions because of positions theyve taken in the past? Who know? Whatever, the absolute honest and sober truth about black people in the U.S. whove been here for several generations is that were a multi-ethnic people of predominantly African ancestry meaning that whatever other non-African ancestry many (not all) of us have is regularly (not always) dominated by our multi-ethnic African ancestry from several African cultures of which a number (I wouldnt say all at this time with my limited knowledge) share enough commonalities Kemet (at least partly via Meroe and Napata) to illustrate some relation whatever the actual nature of those relations. And Im sure some (not all) of our ancestry includes Hebrews/Israelites/Jews as well as Arabs, European, Indigenous-Americans, etc... But, when youre talking about Arabs and Jews (and certain Iberian Mediterranean Europeans, etc...), youre talking about certain non-Africans who already have fairly recent African ancestry too, thus, were definitely predominantly African people -- and predominantly West/Central-African with connections back to Kemet. Thats some of the most sober and undeniable facts about our ancestral background. That we know for certain if the details of who exactly descended from who are not always known and were denied to many of us.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:56:43 +0000

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