Well, gigi devin and Melody are off to Seattle. I hope that things - TopicsExpress


Well, gigi devin and Melody are off to Seattle. I hope that things go well and they come home safe. I not sure when my appointments will be but they will be in Bellingham probably in June. Mel is working on setting up appointments in her own way. I think my meds are all straightened out now. I think now that I am taking all of the meds I feel a little better, but it could just be the warmer air. I was asked this easter why I am thinking about retiring. I have always worked. when your earning a living, raising a family it seems the most important thing to me at that time was having monies. I remember Brother Jim and I discussing going to the rain forest and hiking the trails along the washington coast. Then we decided that he couldnt do the hiking but would be content to sit at the camp and wait, then we decided he wouldnt want to do that and now he cant. Now I may be the guy sitting at the camp waiting for the others to come back. All it takes is one life changing event and so many plans and dreams are changed. I want to spend a nite camping up at the cabin site on verstovia. I did it once with couple ladies when I was very young. Not sure if Mel could make it there again or if I can. I want to take another kayak trip. The last one was with Don and it was so miserable that I will never ever forget the joys we had. That was a long time ago, I doubt that I could even load my kayak or carry it to the beach any more. There isnt alot of sand in the hour glass. I cant cure any of my familys problems. I just pray that I havent caused any or all of them. Thats why I am going to retire, the longer I wait the less I will be able to do. Most of the family have their own lifes to lead which is just fine with me. Only one person can find their happiness and that comes from within.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 14:42:28 +0000

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