Well,good morning, afternoon and evening everyone, depending where - TopicsExpress


Well,good morning, afternoon and evening everyone, depending where on Planet Home you are, I hope the day will/is/has brought you joy and happiness, even if only in small measure. Im sitting here, at the start of an interesting week, pondering the following: Just what is is with hate and jealousy? I dont get it. And why do some folk , instead of examining facts and using their natural ability to exercise intelligence,choose to ignore and disprespect others legal rights? And finally, why do some folk assume its always about them, lol? A case in point. I was chatting with a very good friend last night, and we talked, in passing, about my 400 page submission post. Apparently it seems I have offended a group of despicable, and soon to be outed, grubs. (OK, I have made references to them elsewhere, but they are wholly different and rather (by comparison) insignificant and pathetic. I hear that particular criminal bunch think my post was all about them!!! LOOOOOOL As if Id discuss whats happening on that front here, in any detail, heheheh. Just for the avoidance of doubt, the material and evidence on them far exceeds 400 pages.Jeez, I got that much on just ONE of them, and there are quite a number, grubs and their revolting little ignorami friends. I, and others, have been vilified and lied about, some have suffered far worse, but thats not an issue for public debate, but a matter for the police, victims and, of course, their lawyers. Hopefully, one of their idiot friends will choose to clarify the position by sharing this with them. Seriously, those folk really need to get a life. I really have to ask where they get such a vivid and self absorbing idea about themselves? Its not like they are of any value on any level to decent people, even the ones they behave themselves with ,in order to conceal their hidden darkness and depravity. Ive never discussed them by name, ( not important enough, at this moment) nor have I or for that matter any of my admins ( who have also been vilified by association) communicated with any of them- most of them are blocked anyway, lol. I do not run a troll group ( just one of their more egregious outbursts ) and for all their bleating about how Im atttacking them, they have not one shred of evidence (because there really isnt any, lol ) to support ANY of their ridiculous allegations or accusations. Mind you, folk with far right leanings always make me feel trouble isnt far away, which is another reason I dont associate with those sort, especially if, like this lot, they are deficient in their reasoning anyway. Anyway, sorry for any confusion or doubt that may have arisen (heh) over my earlier post. That said, I still appreciated all the likes, so thank you all for your ongoing patience as work gets under way. Im off out now, to enjoy some sun and do a pit of strategy planning with peeps, but I will be back later..... Namaste.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 09:33:42 +0000

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