Well guess its time to post something, so here it goes. My wife - TopicsExpress


Well guess its time to post something, so here it goes. My wife and i over the past years went through a state of depression. we both became disabled, something we did not want to happen, we worked hard and enjoyed working and miss it. Myself the back of my leg muscle got cut off and infected through to both my leggs, i was in 2 leg casts for 9 months, my leggs will never heal and will never be normal. At this same time my wife had gotten bitten by a brown recluse spider, she was taking care of me and thought nothing of her own bite, thinking it was just a bug bite. the poison ate through her leg and infected her muscle tissue. her leg now has chronic leg lymphodemia, which cannot be healed, nor will it ever go away. here is the real part i wanted to say, but wanted to fill in the story so you know why we went through depression. We both gained alot of weight, more then we should have. and we couldnt hardly do anything. we just didnt care, i blame noone but ourselves. This past feb, we decided to make a change.... a change that will forever change our lives. We went on a diet, started to walk together. we cut out sodas,noodles,breads,starches, and red meats, and junk food. we started to calorie count, and before we would take in around 8,000-10,000 calories a day. (we now take in roughly 1200-1500 a day) we have 3 meals a day but portion them and calorie count them to make sure we eat healthy. we do snack, but its healthy snacks and portion snacks. we love walking together, and even though we are both in pain every day, its a joy to be doing this with my wife. To date as of now my wife has lost 71lbs!!! and i have lost 61lbs!!!!! for a total of 132lbs!!! so between us we lost another person lol. we still have a far way to go, but with the way we are going we should be able to meet our goals and in the long run, be happier , healthier and no longer depressed. Thank you all for allowing me to share this and i will keep posting updates in the future. I Love you all!!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 02:27:47 +0000

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