Well guys and gals, I hate to point out the obvious and say I told - TopicsExpress


Well guys and gals, I hate to point out the obvious and say I told you so....but my post before the Alabama game has stood to be true. First things first tho....our defense went back to playing like it did last year...why? I have no clue. Is it all because of that one linebacker we have that had to sit out? I dont think so because we had no clue to how to cover a pass yesterday. Receivers were wide open and when I say wide open, I mean 5 yards or better. So before I hit on my main thing again, I want to say that yes I saw how bad the defense was yesterday. Mainly tho, we dont have a Quarterback that can compete at a high level for us. Brandon Allen is terrible. All week long while I am working, I listen to Bo Maddingly on Sports talk with Bo and I listen to Mike Irwin and they try to protect this guy to the point of it almost makes you sick. I mean its like they have some kind of kinship or man crush on this dude. Yesterday the announcers showed that OUR RECEIVERS were getting open!!! time and time again they showed that Brandon Allen would focus on one receiver and he would never look or see the whole field. I am so glad and elated that finally this myth has been put to rest. One announcer showed Keon Hatcher wide open for a TD and said, in the SEC, this is considered wide open....look, this is starting to remind me of the Houston Nutt scandal. We have got to get this guy from under center and go to the next guy. This season is a wash, why not bring in Peevy or at least try Austin? I understand that the coaches have game film and they can break this down and they know more that we do....but hey, I dont need a Rocket Scientist to tell me that the moon is a long way away. This is football 101. Brandon Allen cant keep drives going...he cant complete the simple pass. He plays scared and is not consistent. We may not have the Wrights, the Childs or the Adams at receivers but one things for sure, we dont have the Malletts or Wilsons at QB either. I am ready for a change and have been since last season. Excuses are over with. Arkansas has never had a QB that has gone under center this long without a conference win. Look, when Mallet and Wilson was here, Auburn on National Championships, as did Alabama, Florida, LSU and there were just as many teams that were as good or better then as they are now. Maybe Ole Miss and Miss St have replaced Florida and LSU at the moment but there are still as many tough teams. There is no excuse...this is a decent offensive line. You have 3 to 5 seconds to throw the ball...not 8 seconds like it takes him to contemplate where he wants to throw it. Chaney has to go as well. This generic offensive game plan is terrible. I am tired of him as well. He got fired at Tennessee for a reason. Until we make these two changes, we will continue to hear this tiresome quote that Coach B continues to rant after each game...we will get our first win, when we earn it crap. These players deserved to win against A & M and Alabama, Ok...finally, are we the only team in the nation that cant kick a freaking extra point? Special teams coached fired as of today...if he is not, this is unacceptable. We cant kick a extra point, let alone a damn field goal. I am trying to stay on board and believe in Coach B and his direction but his stubbornness with this wimpy QB and terrible OC is starting to take his toll on me.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 13:07:29 +0000

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